Please allow normal flying in War Within on Day 1

With either mode of flying you can just logout to go afk.

At Blizzcon yes cause that’s what people knew it as, everything after I’ve heard it “officially” referred to after is Static Flying.

I highly doubt the ability in-game is going to be called The Burning Crusade Flying.

Unfortunately there indeed have been plenty of people asking for Dynamic to be heavily nerfed/removed :dracthyr_cry:

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I’ve seen maybe one or two trolls ask for that but usually when the topic comes up many people are just asking to have their static flying. Unfortunately there are trolls on both sides of this.

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Being someone who greatly enjoys Dynamic it’s been very noticeable and glaring.

I do agree with you though on that last part, and while I can understood why Blizz restricts Static (bots), I also won’t speak out against getting both forms of flight easier/faster.


Sorry some of us aren’t up their hole and read everything they say

we also have trauma from them taking flying away 10 years ago and been fighting for it since but I am sure you’ll find a way to blame players and not the company…


that is what you do


Nearly every bit of this post is entirely your opinion, but you state it like fact.
I like real flying so much better than DR so it’s not more fun.
Micromanagement does NOT equal more engaging.
It is faster, but since that’s a dial that could easily be tweaked I wouldn’t trust Daddy Blizz on that one.
33%, not bad for baseball but pretty sucky for every other sport. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


No, only those incapable of self control will be affected. Apparently Warmode is vastly more efficient for leveling but I’ve NEVER felt “compelled” to use it for that since I abhor PvP. Do I think bonus PvE rewards should be removed from a PvP activity, sure. Do I advocate for Warmode to be restricted to max-level, no. I just wish Daddy Blizz would stop listening to those who complain about “forced” or “compulsory” gameplay when they only care about efficiency over everything. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


To you. It’s more fun, more engaging and faster to you.


Love it when tbc flyers leave.

Tbc flying ruined world of warcraft

You’re objectively wrong.

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Dynamic flight hurt the bot community, moment tbc came back the bots in druid form farming Z Caverns came back in droves

Nah I’m right and that’s why pathfinder been a thing since WoD

I’ve not seen this.
But I have seen 6 players all decked out in high ilvl gear sitting on the same already mined node in ZC.

I’m sure they all decided to meet there and discuss things of relevance and wait for their mounts to regen stamina.

Oddly they all followed each other when they started to leave even though they were all from different servers and only a couple were in different guilds.

It was probably just a group of the friendliest gatherers in the zone and totally not players running gathering bots on their mains

Just /who the Caverns you’ll see like 10+ druids in there.

They weren’t there until tbc flying came back

No, you’re not.

Is that why the requirements have been easier as time goes on? Is that why there will be no time gate on it in TWW? Looks like even the devs think you’re wrong.

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What does this have to do with anything? I love dragonriding, but normal flying is still very useful and has its place.

I don’t get why wanting normal flying is interpreted as hating dragonriding lol? They are just two totally different things with different purposes.

I don’t have a “preference” between dragon riding and normal flying in the same way I don’t have a preference between the auction house and the transmog vendor.

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Currently 36 players found.

5 are druids, counting me. 3 of us are at the flightmaster.

5 DKs
3 DH
5 druids
1 Evoker
6 hunters
1 mage
6 Paladins
2 Priests
2 Rogues
1 Shaman
1 lock
3 Warriors

edit: it just dropped to 22 players 4 druids now, 2 of us(me and one other) still at the flightmaster

You can disagree but clearly blizzard agrees.

The first day tbc flying was released… it just helps bots ruin the game

A random reddit link doesn’t mean the devs agree. Static flying is coming day 1 in TWW. If it was such a detriment the devs wouldn’t release it early. Fact is, it’s never been a detriment to wow.

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Pathfinder existing since wod is proof blizzard agrees.