Please allow GDKP. The cure is worse than the disease

AQ is out now and my small but tight knit guild has moved on from BWL and is focused solely on AQ. Unfortunately I still need 2 off set pieces from BWL… tank versions of my t2 bracers and gloves for my BIS PVP set.

I spent all day trying to find a BWL group but was unsuccessful. People just arent running old content anymore.

At least with GDKP, most raiders would have an incentive to run old content and I’d have a lot more opportunity to run these old raids for either select pieces of gear i need or to earn gold to bring my undergeared alts to these raids.

So… in order to cure the disease of gold selling and buying, blizzard has effectively killed off old content raiding.

I just dont understand why they think this is good for the game. The only reason classic era is as popular as it is, is because of GDKP raid runs