Please allow Exhilaration off GCD

Please let us have Exhilaration off the GCD. Countless times I died since waiting for GCD , 1 second too late.


Then to counter for no cooldown Blizzard would reduce the amount of health given back. Then you would have to continually use Exhiliration to get back health as you would take more damge and less health back.

It’s meant to be used in a dire situation that makes you think about what defense you should use for that moment. Hunters can stay out of more harm than most classes.


I’m not asking there to be no cooldowns for it. I’m asking it to be off the GCD =P

its not that deep, i only use it when my pet’s about to die and i know mend pet wont save it

He asked for it to be taken off the Global Cooldown, not for the Cooldown to be removed. Global cooldown and Cooldown are two different things.


Yes this would be a welcome change. Other classes have similar abilities of the gcd.

bump! please blizzard !!

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he said off global not no cooldown LOL
a perfectly reasonable request defensives are split second, a 1.5 gcd on this feels awful

completely agreed; the amount of times I’ve died because I was spamming Exhilaration. PLEASE blizz.

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