I swapped off being a VDH main for 4 years back to Brewmaster, bumping it up from “main alt” to main, for TWW because it’s just too fun. I’ve been pushing 13-14 on Brew, so I’d like to think I’m pretty decent at the spec. While I will not reroll because of the issues it has, it definitely has some glaring issues.
I’ve addressed most of them in this thread in the monk forums, with some opinionated suggestions to fix them. This thread is primarily to (hopefully) get Blizzard attention, along with other displeased Brewmasters, and hopefully acquire some fixes.
Ultimately though, Brewmaster’s main issues in my opinion are: loss of it’s “fourth DPS that holds aggro” niche, lack of meaningful universal defensives, lack of self sustain (including CB feeling relatively weak), and lack of meaningful M+ utility that isn’t brought by other monk specs. Mystic Touch being incredibly weak without a handful of specific specs that make use of it is a cherry on top.