Please Add T2 Belts To Reals Vendor

Unlike other T2 gear which drops from BWL and by doing Heroic/Mythic affixes can drop from end of run chests (which the bracers can drop from which are also on the Reals Vendor) T2 Belts are a bit of a pain point since the only source is from Thunderann.

Adding T2 Belts for 125 reals would be a great help especially to those rolling new alts :slight_smile:


Actually hard agree


Bro they drop off thunderaan. A boss that is highly puged. They should just add all t1 to reels. But adding belt and no one would pug thunderaan.


Belts (for those who wanna save their reals), Stormwrath, Sanctified Shortblade of the Galefinder, Echoes of Betrayal, Flashrend (for Enh Shamans), Wrath of the Wray, Geddon’s Glaive, and Windstriker would still be extremely sought after.

Ignoring belts that’s 6 VERY sought after items. Not to mention the rest of the loot table as well (except for cloak and Soul of Thunder those suck).

Also we don’t need T1 on reals they drop like candy in MC (which gives 30 reals so people will always be running it). A fresh 60 can do a MC and get 5 or 6 pieces of gear (mostly Tier). Also note each T1 piece has multiple bosses it can drop from unlike the T2 Belt.

A fresh 60 can clear all of aq HM if they aren’t terrible. The boss drops 2 belts every 4ish days. Why add belts if the logic behind not adding t1 is that it’s to easy to get?

Because the belts are significantly harder to get than any other piece of Tier 2.

Def not lol. All my alts have belt well before shoulders/wrists. And black book. That item is illusive

All of my characters my very last piece of all 8 pieces of T2 was the belt. It either never dropped from Thunderann or there was 8+ others rolling on it.

And if the T2 belt is on the vendor and you get lucky you save your reals.

Why not add all t2 then. Logic goes both ways why are we gatekeeping gearing alts

That logic doesn’t go both ways.

Because BWL has extra chests and the end and the drops are plentiful.

Unlike every piece of T1 which can drop from 2 or 3 bosses in MC/Ony the T2 belt has only 1 source Thunderann. T2 Bracers have 2 sources which are BWL End of Run chests and Real Vendor for 125g.

Adding the T2 belt to the real vendor would put it in parity with the rest of T2 as having 2 sources.

That’s assuming people are clearing it on heroic or mythic. Most are just doing normal

Wait really? I mean i get not doing Black but Blue/Green/Bronze are wicked easy to do.

Bro for whatever reason people struggle with firemaw. Idek what to say. Black is easy as is. But struggling on normal firemaw is wild to me. However it is unfortunately the truth, and I hate it.

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For that we can totally agree with one another.