Please Add Support For Game Controllers

Yes they would actually have to remap how keys work. Let say you can use your right stick as your mouse pointer and if you hover over something you can lets say click A to open/use etc they would have to add something maybe a long press A because just a tap would result in unintentional clicks. Integrating the controller isn’t impossible but it would require them to redo and revamp the mapping systems for controls both kb/mouse and controller so may be time consuming and unfortually probably time not worth for something that may not be universally used.

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Please excuse how dusty this thing is, but I’ve been using it forever & its been through a lot.

So I have carpal tunnel, and it got so bad before I made this mod that my hand would literally seize up to the point where I couldn’t control my character anymore.

The biggest problem with most keyboards is how unnatural it is for your wrist. Hence how I have this set up.

Simply putting this thing at an angle already helped immensely. Let me reiterate, it helped IMMENSELY. I probably could have not done the joystick mod & simply adding that bent piece of metal would have been fine.

The other thing I did is buy a thick foam sponge & I rest my elbow on that instead of on the desk. It seems minor, but it was another thing that really helped me.


You can buy a program called padstarr that makes any controller work like a keyboard & it can even map the joystick into mouse controls. BUT I wouldn’t write off keyboards all together, because the issue is probably ergonomics.


I’ve used ConsolePort to level alts plenty of times. Assuming you used one mount, one pet, one hearthstone, one potion, and one healthstone as bindings: No class I’ve leveled requires more than the eight face buttons plus one modifier, and an L1 modifier for the mounts, pets, potions, etc.

I’ve successfully healed and tanked dungeons, as well. While it takes getting used to, I’ve seen people who’ve tanked/healed heroic raids with a bit of adjustment to their strategy.

We really need to stop acting like being able to play on a controller is the end-all-be-all of casual accessibility. It’s one of those things that sounds correct, but doesn’t pan out in the end.

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Dephorester - I appreciate the suggestion.

I’ve used similar tools to the one you have linked. It has worked fairly well for me. I’ll consider getting another one.

My realization of the controller came when I picked up Fallout 76 for my PC. After playing for a few days, I began feeling those same pains. I looked up to see if it had controller support, and discovered that it did. This is unsurprising as its designed for the console.

After playing for a few months on the controller, I found I really like the play a great deal. As mentioned, there are times when I put it down and switch to mouse/keyboard when I need the precision that a controller cannot provide (PvPing, for example, or when I’m in the middle of 15 ghouls)

Shayis – quite a few other MMOs have controller support.

Controller support does not mean you lose the keyboard/mouse. It means that you can enable in the options menu the ability to map keys to a controller, and the sticks will handle movement/camera angle.

I never said that playing on a controller is the end all be all of casual accessibility. You didn’t see that anywhere in my post, try using comprehension. I stated that it works just find and gave examples of bind usage along with my previous experience playing a game that required more binds than WoW.

You’re also bringing up the addon ConsolePort, none of my post even mentioned that addon. I spoke of a current game that has controller functionality within it’s design.

The OP asked about integrating game pad controls into the game.

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Yes, and I wasn’t arguing with you. I was attempting to expand on your post, by showing that it’s completely legitimate and relatively easily done.

The end part about casuals was aimed at the thread and it’s dissenters as a whole, not you.


That’s fine, just a misunderstanding. No harm done.

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In case you do need help with the carpal tunnel thing though, I found instant relief in using a vertical mouse.

Maybe look into one of those for general computer use. I use one by Evoluent.

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I’ve tried ConsolePort as well. It’s a workaround, but had a few inherent flaws.

ConsolePort overhauls the entire UI. This makes it impossible to switch back to keyboard/mouse at a moment’s notice. As you mentioned, you are limited to one mount, one pet, etc…

Like other mods, it can break during a patch. It also requires support from the mod developers – which is something that cannot be guaranteed for long term play.

I’m asking Blizzard to please add control support to their existing UI. People who like the ConsolePort UI can keep using it – and it’s a fairly stylish UI at that. it means that people would not need to run WoWmapper to run ConsolePort.

Adding control support to the existing UI would allow everyone to easily use a controller without having to overhaul their UI or add third party programs.

Apologies. I wasn’t trying to derail your request, merely offer support. I was saying that it can be done, not that it has been done and needn’t be done.

I do agree that there’s an inherent drawback in breaking during patches, and I hope you get some traction here. I wouldn’t mind a polished controller option. My biggest gripe with ConsolePort is that even though they say my bindings won’t change, when I turn it off to use the normal layout all my stuff is in different places anyway!

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Thanks. That’s my hope is that a blizzard employee will see this post and open a JIRA enhancement request for their UI team.

I think that this is a project that would give a solid return on investment. While there were be some challenges (how do you handle steam controllers, PS3 controllers vs XBOX controllers) it would open up their market to new players.

It could possibly even lay the groundwork for a console port – which would dramatically increase their player base.

Hey Atticus,
If you have a steam controller you could try checking out the config that I made. It uses the default UI and only requires you to change a couple of bindings (such as giving binds to actionbar 1,2,3)
You can see more here :

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egh it was painful enough playing FF 14 and watching players who were CLEARLY on a console struggle to use the skills they needed to, and that game is at least mildly designed with console scrubbiness in mind. I can’t imagine what it would be like on WoW

There is a mod that currently lets you do this. You can google some youtube videos of people using it for BGs. It works out fairly well, actually.

It’s just not integrated as part of the support, and it could be. All they would have to do is let you bind keys and movement to the controller.

Have you tried the Razer Naga mouse? I use it and the only thing my left hand does is strafe every so often, jump, or press ctrl/shift.

I used to have carpal tunnel, but a wrist brace fixed matters for me. I hope this helps :slight_smile:


I personally can’t imagine playing some classes like druid and shaman on a controller, but I’m sure it can be done. Doesn’t seem like the most comfortable or efficient way to play WoW to me, though.

Correct its mostly the neck beard purists who think its actually an issue to use a controller…got news for these people there are youtube videos of people doing mythics AND raids with controllers with ZERO issue in fact my own experience using a controller leaves me out performing half the people who keyboard/mouse… get used to it and its actually really good.