Please add more

grinds like Korthia, these activities are more fun to earn player power than simply opening a vault. Everyone universally loved this zone and at the end of it you were rewarded with sockets. Also, having weapons and trinkets primarily come from pve encourages people to play the whole game not just arena. I speak for everybody when I say the game is more fun when you’re also pushing high keys for a good trinket, preferably one that makes you tankier and you also have a fun open world activity like korthia/zereth mortis to complete in between qs.


korthia was unbelievably terrible until they made it doable in 2 hours flat LOL


This is the most insane thing you’ve said and that’s saying a lot for you.


a cosmetic korthia like place would have people going crazy farming

Ehm, no! Most PvPer I know hated it!

Korthia was awful. =/

The sharding was terrible and it always felt dominated by alliance. I’d be down for some more solo content. Mage Tower, Boreghast, Nightmares.

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You are no longer invited to my pizza party

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was prolly gonna be dominos anyway

who tf buys doms

u do???

my doms purchase history is like ur hairline

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i’m not efx tyvm i have a full head of hair with an exquisite hairline

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Ohhhh so YOU’RE the player the devs reference when they talk about listening to feedback.


Yea this ain’t it.


I’m not even going to farm the bloody tokens or trophies needed to get the epic WPvP gear lol. You think Blizzard will get me to do anything like Korthia ever again? Not happening.

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Happy Weekend.

4/10 Ama.

Bad DK, bad; back to your conspiracy theories corner.


Is Amatox the new dozer?

No, amatox is decent at the game.

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