Please add more Paladin race options

I’ll be waiting for Undead and Troll.


Honestly, i don’t feel like opening up different race options takes away from the fantasy of any of the classes. When we’re talking about fantasy, the only real limit is your imagination; if you only like human paladins, then go ahead and make yours a human. But there’s no reason to limit other people’s character customization over that.


If a Dreadlord can be the High Commander of the Grand Army of the Light and chill in the Paladin class hall, I don’t see any reason why Bob, the former knight of Lordaeron, can’t pick up a sword and board and fight for the light.


Yay glad somebody recognizes the bis race

IMO paladin is a class sort of like druid, where it doesn’t really make sense for a ton of races to be able to play it. Tauren paladins were already a stretch to me lorewise, but I understand why they did it.

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Without making a Lore-based argument, which does not apply to the Player Character as, canonically, we simply don’t exist, in what way does race choice impact class identity?

The PC has no place in the game’s lore as any world event is attributed to the participating big name figures and “a champion.” They don’t have to introduce the race/class combos to the lore for the player to play it.

Er, lore-based arguments are the entire thing.

Why do you think the player characters don’t exist in the story? We very much do.

Name one event where the player characters are anything more than a replacable face in the crowd.

Onyxia? Alliance raiding party
Nefarian? Horde raiding party
Ragnaros? Adventurers looking for loot
Zul’Gurub? Raiding party
Naxxramas? Raiding party

All of BC? Coordinated attacks
All of WoTLK? Coordinated assaults led by Horde and Alliance leaders
Cata? Dragons and Thrall
MoP? Raiding parties
WoD? More raiding parties

We don’t exist because our place in the world is a vacuous existence we can project ourselves into like some ambiguous anime protagonist. That champion can adhere to the restrictions of the lore, but we, as player characters, do not have to.


You seem to be moving the goalposts. You argued that the player characters “don’t exist” in the lore, but we obviously do, especially in recent expansions. Now you’re saying you argued that we aren’t the main characters? Are you wanting it to be like FF14 where we’re the chosen heroes of legend or something?

The idea of class skins to change the aesthetic without changing gameplay or functionality is probably the best Idea I have seen in a VERY long time. Wow please this.

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Class identity with paladin in particular is affected because the paladin class was born from a couple of races only aligned to the alliance. Thats it. There are no horde paladins, no trol cow will ever be as important as you know… the countless human dwarves and draenei paladins that had their lore fleshed out for years. Against made up combinations with made up “explanations”.

So they go through, convert all non-alliance NPCs to paladin-appropriate races, then let all the players play whatever race they want. Win-win.

When I got the Highlord title and became the head honcho of the class hall, it felt like it was specific to my character.

I wasn’t just “Champion”, I was Highlord (or Slayer or Archdruid, etc.)

You and every other Paladin that got the “Highlord” title. Unless…


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But that is not what they are doing. They were lazy. Slapped made up lore to stupid races and gave away what a paladin was meant to be. So yea in a perfect world maybe but not here. Paladin is one class, born from the alliance and it is actually a whole culture.

I guess every single human you encounter greeting you with “light be with you” is the same as a trol or cow. Its ruined already they can only make it worse.


If you’re speaking from how opening the class/race restrictions has retroactively affected the lore, I understand your point, and it is fair for those of us who do value Warcraft for its lore. That said, I think you could say that a lot of Blizzard’s choices have retroactively affected the lore, Kael’Thas as a raid boss for example, not even speaking to the level where the player exists.

That said, making changes for the sake of gameplay and making changes that affect the lore are not mutually inclusive. You can have every class playable as every race and not have it affect the lore, you can likewise change the lore to include race/class combos (i.e. Draenei Rogues on Argus before Draenei Rogues were playable) and not allow players to play as that race/class combo.

It’s a valid issue, definitely, however to then say “we cannot permit player characters more freedom of expression because Blizzard can’t respect their own lore” is a bit silly.

Probably would never happen but I’d love void elf pally! Play my favorite race on my favorite faction :heart:.

Doubt it will happen though.

Please Night Elf Paladin, it is time!


Wardens first

I know I’m probably alone on this, but I would love to have Vulpera Paladins.