Please Add Joyous Journey Back Into The Game

We need faster leveling up. Especially for the new players that never have gotten to experience cata before and don’t have all the BOA’s because they didn’t play WOTLK.

Bring back Joyous Journey so you can entice the newer players and encourage leveling alts even more so.


I don’t think it’s necessary at this point in time, especially not with the revamped old world. Give people some time to enjoy that first, and the devs time to fix the remaining issues left over from beta

And before anyone tries to take my argument completely out of context as this forum is wont to do, I’m not against JJ at all, I’m not even necessarily against adding it now, I just don’t think it’s necessary right now


They’ve literally had about 10 years to enjoy this content on retail and still can…

Not with the same balancing and especially not with how fast retail leveling is. This is a complete non-argument because “still can” enjoy it on retail means blazing through it even faster than with JJ here

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Tell that to the people who got what 5 alts to 80 cause of the XP bug

funny when it affects blizzard profits they shut that so fast

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Is it good to encourage leveling alts over focusing on mains and/or end game activity?

Even with buff they can.

It just means you help out dumass and Johnny awesome faster lol.

For blood elves it just means you hit your 20 faster and not having final quest done is not a deal breaker. If the area is slow…you aren’t getting old boys head with the fear party solo.

The 2 construct elites…not likely either.

Buff just has you make up for lost group quests basically.

Leveling is perfectly fine, if you need it any faster, you’re doing it wrong.


I’d be fine with joyous journeys making a return. I doubt Blizzard will do with their boost sale and all.

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Cata zones already break with heirlooms, they’re so linear/railroaded that the faster leveling speed causes problems.

Adding JJ would just make it worse.

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I was level 77 before I finished Borean Tundra, sure I was spam queing dungeons as a dps; but on the same note my shaman who I leveled before prepatch and I queued dungeons the same amount was level 73 when I finished Borean Tundra. 1-80 is ridiculously fast atm, I don’t understand how anyone who has actually tried leveling would be complaining about no JJ. The speed is significantly faster than JJ and its not even close. It took me 2 days to hit 80.

Totally unnecessary, the old world revamp streamlines the questing experience for the exact people you mentioned, those without heirlooms. Leveling is easy enough now with new quests and RDF. It’s not needed.

Troll discovered.

Take a much disussed tread and make one with the exact opposite title.

Just :stop_sign: feeding the troll.


JJ is most definately not required at this time.

Did all that stuff solo back in Wrath…just saying.

What new players? And if u need a buff to be enticed to level an alt while wearing full boas.

Well just unsub.

Yeah having every quest be part of a chain unlock is the worst. Leveld a goblin gout out of starting zone head to azshara to quest while I hop in que. I did one or two dungeons and was already leveled past the first half of the zone but couldn’t do the level appropriate ones due to them being locked. Makes leveling just sit in org and wait for ques to pop.

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A lot of the naysayers are people who already played classic a lot and don’t understand the importance of the pre-expansion period.

This is a time for new and returning players to catch up and prepare for the expansion. Or for existing players to swap classes or whatever. Being able to rapidly power level at this time could help increase the total population going into the expansion, which is a positive overall for everyone potentially.

Some people will never be willing to pay for a boost. Rapid leveling is a good thing. If you look at the Legion pre-patch event, you could power level extremely fast and the event was hugely popular (after some hotfixes that made it better).

I actually didn’t play TBCC at all because I did not level to 60 in vanilla classic and when considering whether I wanted to try TBCC, the nail in the coffin was there was no fast catch up and I wasn’t willing to pay for a boost. If TBCC had had a fast leveling event in the pre-patch I probably would have at least tried it.

It will be back soon enough for now you’ll have to just be satisfied that it will take you an extra 2 hours to get to 80

Exp boosts promote leveling alts.

Leveling more alts lets you see more zones.

On top that, everyone is going to continue dungeon spam.