Please add incentives to reduce toxicity

yeah well leave that on real life…

no games needs force positivity there’s so much already with people thinking in 2020 that expressing your thoughts is already “toxic” or “negative”


Wouldn’t be so bad if Blizzard didn’t give a thousand chores to do so players want to get them done as fast as possible. People just want to rush it and get to a +15 for the weekly chest.


Anyone else rarely see forum MVPs anymore?

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If you want to tank M+, then spend a few minutes researching the routes. Also a wall of text about the community after having completed only a +2. I doubt the truthfulness of your diatribe.

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Riot games has an honor system. If you’re toxic and constantly getting punished, you are excluded from getting rewards eg:lootboxes and keys, and the end of season skin.

Though it doesn’t really stop toxicity. The people that are toxic don’t care if they don’t get rewards. Though another problem is the easy access to new accounts, which I guess wouldn’t really be possible for this game. Cause if their account gets banned, well… let me hop into my 3000000th smurf account.

I would love to see them start doing this. Would remove some of the trash behavior which is always a plus


I just don’t really understand this sentiment. I just made stuff up about toxicity and went on the forums? Why would I do that?

  1. The point of this post is I don’t feel like I can do Mythic+ because of leavers and toxicity. This, coupled with the fact that I returned on a fresh 120 ~3 weeks ago, it shouldn’t be surprising that I’ve only completed a +2 in time. I admit, it’s only been 6 or 7 dungeons total, but no other game I’ve played has ever had leavers for 6 matches in a row. Clearly incentives work.

  2. Okay, let’s assume that I’m lying or wrong. I didn’t experience toxicity, and leavers aren’t as prevalent as I say. Does that mean you don’t support consequences for when abuse does happen? Or incentives to prevent abuse in the first place?


How much are you leaving out of your stories I wonder???


“Drops ice cream” YOU CANT SAY THAT ! :open_mouth:

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Every time I read the word “toxicity” I have to pick my eyes up off the floor.

Charmin soft I swear.


I don’t know how effective your exact ideas would be OP, but yes, I agree that the pug endgame scene is in dire need of help.

Unfortunately a large chunk of GD is quite staunchly against even trying to improve any aspect it. In their eyes, if your situation doesn’t allow you to do things with a fixed set of players, well sorry you can just rot. Pugged endgame must remain an inhospitable wasteland for, uhh, reasons. I don’t know if it’s some kind of twisted schadenfreude or spite or what but it needs to take a hike.


expecting some forced positivity to do miracles isnt gonna change anything…

there’s currently a post where someone legit leaves keys because it doesnt goes his way when playing with other 4 strangers… there’s people praising such behavior.

a system like that forced is just meaningless…


If I report someone. I want to know if actions were taken. No feedback doesn’t work.


For real? should i delete?

I only made it to page 67, then I gave up on reading the rest.


I suspect at least some of them are the exact type of person that caused OP to come here and make this post.


Why do we need to bribe people to not be jerks?

Just think these people are probably raising kids too…


A system of forced positivity creates both a pleasant environment for people to participate in, and an environment that is welcoming for newer people.

I don’t see how this would be meaningless. People are never able to behave completely how they like in any facet of life so people should be used to it by now :slight_smile:


I get the good intentions here.

But if someone needs a reward to be nice? That’s not true kindness and I don’t think that kinda “kindness” should be supported because majority of the time it’s not genuine.

Just allow people to reset timers. It is UNGODLLLLLLLLLY stupid that this is not allowed by a group vote.

Instead they allow massive toxicity and rage to permeate the community because oh god 1 or 2 people might do the run over to get a better time and get a higher key.

Blizzard never does anything that makes sense and only makes the community be forced to create systems to cope with poorly thought out design decisions.