List of Zones to add flying:
- Bloodmyst Isle
- Azuremyst Isle
- Eversong Woods
- Ghostlands
- Korthia
- Maw
- Argus
I know some of these zones would need work done to them directly to allow for them to fly such as Argus, Eversong Woods, etc but after all this time they should have flying. This would allow Ghostlands, Eversong Woods, Bloodmyst Isle and Azuremyst Isle to not have to be in a separate instance and flown to directly.
Start with the easier zones like Korthia and Maw since you know Jailer is technically dead so we should be able to fly there but also the rest of the no fly zones as well.
Pointless. We don’t go there nearly often enough to justify the man hours that would be required to make them flyable.
Maybe we would if we could fly there to begin with!
i agree now if they made them more popular then yes i could see this working
If they wanted them flyable, the first 4, they would have updated them as well for Cataclysm. The other 3? Don’t care, they’re so bland anyway, even if there’s missing textures, you probably wouldn’t even notice.
Bloodmyst and Azuremyst are pretty much ready to go already. The only reason they don’t have flight is out of a sense of fairness.
Eversong/Ghostlands unfortunately are disasters in terms of what needs to be done to support flight. Silvermoon is the biggest cardboard castle in the game right now and it falls apart badly in the air. To make things worse, down south in the Ghostlands, Eastern Plaguelands is entirely missing if you’re high enough to see past the southern border mountains, and in place of shores on the east and west there’s sheer cliffs. Additionally, there’s the whole mess of how Deatholme in Ghostlands occupies the same space as Stratholme in Eastern Plaguelands.
Argus, the Maw, and Korthia would probably be just a switch flip.
So out of those the Blood Elf zones are the only ones that’d take work, and they’d take a lot of it. Minimally, you’re looking at rebuilding Silvermoon from scratch and doing a bunch of terrain surgery in Ghostlands to make things make sense.
Interestingly, it appears that during Cataclysm’s development they may have been considering making Eversong/Ghostlands flyable, because in that expansion they removed the giant troll gates of Tor’Watha in Eversong which had nothing but dirt behind them and would’ve looked silly from the air. They evidently scrapped those plans though, probably due to lack of time and resources.
I approve of this request
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Indeed lol, whenever I think of going to one of those places my first thought is always “ugh no flying there”
Same thought I have about no flying in more modern zones (Argus, Timeless Isle).
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We don’t need flying in those zones. I like that we can use ground mounts and besides when is the last time you’ve gone to those zones. If you say often, you are lying unless you have thousands of alts.
true the only time blood elves go back to SM is for the heritage armor quest and the second version
Silvermoon would probably get a lot more usage if it had the essential utilities that are currently exclusive to the smoggy spike-forest known as Orgrimmar.
i agree but the portal room in sm need a lil tlc
but i wish thunder bluff was a major capital also
Once upon a time, I used to ditch whatever starting zone my character was and went straight to ghostlands as soon as I could cause it felt like the fastest. Dunno if it actually was. Felt like quest hubs had more quests and more grouped up than durotar and the like.
Why fix something if it isn’t broken?
Exactly this.
You’d have Blizzard take time away from creating new content for something that is just an inconvenience to a very tiny percentage of players?
Eversong + Ghostlands were definitely more streamlined than Durotar, Mulgore, Tirisfal, the Barrens or Silverpine. Gear rewards were generally better quality too, with the Ghostlands even having reputation gear you could get through the Tranquillen.
They still hold up pretty well today IMHO. The questing experience is much more peaceful compared to that of newer starting areas.