Blizzard, I hope one day you use the technology and systems developed from Torghast and Delves to add in an evergreen style rogue-like/lite type of game mode. My small wishlist.
- I’d want it to be a physical location or locations that our characters in the game world would be able to travel to and enter. (Doesn’t have to just be in the latest expansion zones either).
- Could do it solo or with groups.
- Players level 10 and up can enter this mode and use it as a way to level their main game level.
- I’d want us to start with no gear (or simple gray/white gear) and we’d find upgrades as we advanced through the levels like a true rogue-like/lite.
- We would also probably “re-level” in the sense that we’d get new spells as we progressed in accordance with the class we were playing.
- Would also be amazing to add in unique powers akin to the Torghast powers to really make each run unique and add an element of luck.
- Add leaderboards into the game or on the WoW website.
- Make it so people want to play this mode because it’s fun and well-designed, instead of feeling forced into playing it for cosmetics or main game progression.