Please add a transmog toggle

Dwarves make tasty dragon hor d’oeuvres.

Play retail


This is a moronic thing to say. They’re totally different games. Just because someone wants xmog doesn’t mean they want SoD to be retail. So close minded.

Nah, retail has enough of that nonsense. Them adding xmog was brutal to begin with.

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They really should just add transmog, there is no good logical reason not to have it.

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If you control click on items you can play dress up as much as you want!

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Being able to identify gear was always a great indicator if you wanted to potentially engage someone, being a PVP’er I think transmogs have always been a dumb idea.

Bro… That’s why I said “Toggle” so that you could turn it off and have all of the ugly gear you want to see.

Nobody else should have to “toggle,” visuals because you want to RolePlay.

Perhaps it’s default toggled off?
How did you ever turn on auto loot?

You’re just contrary for the sake of being contrary.

For starters, you’re grasping at straws now and secondly, I shift loot.

No, I am telling you that I think it’s a bad idea - you seem to have fallen apart with someone simply disagreeing with you.

Yes… I had to check myself in because your superior intellect stifled me and has me in shambles. :rofl::joy::rofl:

If this option was off by default and in no way altered the game for you unless you turned it on manually, there is nothing to disagree with. It would be completely transparent unless you opted to turn it on which is what I’ve been advocating for.

No my guy, the idiocy is that out of everything that could be done to improve the game, you want to divulge time into playing dress up.

It’s a bad idea and you should feel bad.

So this is really about your pitiful ret DPS. Now we get to the truth. Talk about falling apart. :joy::rofl::ok_hand:

Your dress is showing, bub.

Oh and a sexist non-sequitur to conclude our findings. :grimacing: Cringe af.

What a delusional take.

Should have been your Thread Title.

imorph hasnt been bannable in years. I know people who have used it since mid TBC and never been banned.