Makes for a cool shield/weapon combo.
Demon hunters got it first though
Wardens should be a class, or maybe a class skin for DH?
They got a one handed moonglaive.
Hunters would wield a 2H one because Hunters don’t wield 1H weapons.
No. Maiev is a Rogue, and she had a Hunter Warden and a Druid Warden with her in the Illidan Novel.
Wardens are an Organization, not a Class. a Warden Class makes as much sense as a SI:7 Class lol
I mean about the glaives and chakrams. Since DH already throw their weapon, a class skin would work here.
Night Elf woman are so impressive! Just look at how she’s holding that huge Glaive with just one hand!
Reminds me to naruto for some reason…
Demon hunters using moonglaives is an abomination. Demon hunter EXCLUSIVE moonglaives is a direct insult.
To be fair, Demon Hunters are an abomination no matter what weapon they use lol
lol as much as I like the night elf glaive models I have to agree. DHs using them is kinda insulting the lore
That would be pretty cool actually, then we could have a dark elf skin for hunter blood elves
I agree and ive been wanting to use them on my warrior for years now
I haven’t seen a single DH wield anything like that.
Thank you!
Undead women like yourself are absolutely gorgeous!
So after playing classic and noticing that all the guards carry moonglaives, I have wonder why this is not a racial weapon for all Night Elves. It seems short sighted that only demon hunters can use this weapon.
Omg, you have the old model on here!
Hehe I do! My no changes friends will yell at me but I would not mind a moonglaive weapon in classic either
Nah, did not like when Hunter had “stat stick” and missle weapon. Was another slot to worry about.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Survival Hunters are wielding 2H weapons right now.