Playing two different factions on NS

I want to ask the community (and Blizzard) why there still is a restriction on not being able to play both factions on a PvP server in vanilla.

I get it, this restriction existed in Vanilla and most of The Burning Crusade before it was lifted. Back then I liked the mystique of not being able to communicate with the opposite faction, and it probably stymied a lot of people making opposite faction alts to flame people in PvP.

However, considering you opted to give us only one North American PvP server, it is hardly fair to be restricted to playing one faction. If I play Horde on Nightslayer for example, it is impossible for me to play Alliance on a PvP server (unless I want to go to the Oceanic server, which as an East Coast player isn’t ideal.) If Blizz is absolutely deadset in their new mega-server philosophy, at least give us the freedom to play both factions on the PvP server.



Seems like a great idea to me.

don’t worry we already had a very high IQ individual tell us the workaround :expressionless: you make a horde character, level it up to 11+, then delete it, make an alliance character, level it up to 11+, then you can freely switch between them by deleting and using the character restore tool. have fun

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yeah I got to 20 originally when anv realms came out, rerolled to play with friends. Really wish I didn’t have to delete the character.

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This would only work if you had just two characters to move around on the server. Not to mention during the time of deletion your name might be taken etc.

yeah honestly if they’re committed to cramming everyone in north america onto one hot mess of a pvp server, they might as well let people play whatever they want

they really just need more than 1 server :expressionless: this idea was worth a try but it’s too much. 2 would be good.

I guess it depends on what you mean by Vanilla, but I’ll assume you’re using it to refer to Blizzard’s 2019 and onward offering of the Classic series, that has several versions on the Era client.

If that’s the case, then I suppose it’s very simply because they have not added that change. I’m pretty sure the same could be said about every change one could imagine though, so…

This seems like a pretty reasonable ask, imo.


I don’t particularly love the idea of being able to be both on a pvp server. But you make a really great point that there are no other pvp options :frowning_with_open_mouth: so if I want to play Horde but in pvp, I can’t. That’s a really good point here. Now I’m torn…

Some friends made Horde characters so I rolled Horde but I want to play a Paladin as well. I don’t want to level a Paladin on the PvE Server.

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Your dreams will be realized in just over a year from now.

I gave up on Retail because of no KT Paladins (amongst other reasons). Classic most likely isn’t going to hold my interest for a year because of TBC. Plus BE Paladins skip leg day too much.

We can definitely agree on this one.