Playing twinks is fun.

Not wanting to is fine. You going on a diatribe about how I have some sort of advantage because I have some sort of resources they dont isn’t (unless ambition is a resource). Not wanting to gear is their problem, especially if it only would take them a half hour at most. They lose nothing, they gain EXP, they gain transmog, they gain leveling gear, they gain the fun of running old content which supplements their leveling experience.

In fact, if anyone needs a run through any dungeon or raid, hit me up. As long as I’m not locked I have no problem taking any of yall on my transmog runs. As long as you arent a worgen :wink:


You’re also assuming that the stuff you want will guaranteed drop, which it isn’t guaranteed. You can run it once per week. By that time the week is over, the gear will be obsolete for most.

Everything on my druid was from one attempt. You get 6 peices of gear PER BOSS. Thats 48 attempts at good gear. You can see my druid has an item with a socket bonus for intellect when I’m feral. I’m not going for BiS, I’m going for just a little bit of extra fun gear to drop. I’m using the polearm from the end when my heirloom weapon blows it out of the water, just for fun. This isn’t twinking. This is leveling twinking.

Which is why I’m saying anyone can do it, its easy, and fun. Try it some time before you say its inaccessible.

So you got lucky. What if someone runs it and gets unlucky and gets nothing? It can happen. I’ve run DS enough to know that not all things you could need are guaranteed. When my guild raided it, plenty of people didn’t see certain drops for a few runs.

Then who cares? By the time your next lockout hits (like mine) you’ll be 90 and have plenty of other options, such as prideful gear from the PVP vendors, SoO gear (with the chance for that amazing shoulderpeice), ect.

Again, its not what you need. Need would imply BiS. Its what gives you a cool upgrade. Any leather peice will do.

Vendor gear takes 10 minutes of flight. SoO is obnoxious, and I would probably choose throne of thunder over it. I’ll be sticking to prideful because I’m lazy.

And if someone wants to do that and has the feasibility, it’s an option, but it’s not for everybody. There are far too many variables to take into account. In a perfect world, sure.

The only thing its not for everybody is the desire to do it. Pretending like people aren’t capable of joining a group in LFG is just a desperate attempt at holding onto your point.

Didnt get anything in your DS run? At least that ICC25 you did the week before worked out well, that gear will last you to 95 at least!

Unless the gods have spat on you and sucked out every last RNG you have, its pretty feasible. I’d say you have about a 1% chance of getting nothing.

And I could say the exact same to expecting everyone to lock their XP and hope they find someone to do raids with. If that’s how you do it, good for you. I’m glad it works and you’re happy. But it is certainly not the norm nor does it make anyone remotely lazy.

When did I say you had to lock exp? In fact I suggested the fact that they GAIN exp is a bonus of doing this. I haven’t locked my experience once on my druid.

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Maybe I missed it but I didn’t see him suggest that. It’s possible for leveling players to also lock XP and raid, sure, but it isn’t fair to expect them to in order to make a meaningful contribution to the BGs they’re in.

Levelers shouldn’t be expected to literally stop leveling by shutting off their XP gain to level in their chosen format. BGs award experience for a reason.


I see. That’s fair to say but in either event, players shouldn’t have to play in environments they don’t enjoy in order to play in ones that they do.

Better hope they get lucky and can find somebody early enough before that XP levels them out, right?

Dragon soul granted me 1/4 of a level for a half hour. Thats honestly not bad at all.

Again, never said that. The only person who suggersted turning EXP off for that was Greyhide.

Raid and dungeon loot work best when accessed by groups, which really promotes participation.
Legacy or full on PVE style comps are both equally effective.

Does every person want a college degree though?

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Gotcha, I edited my last post.

Ah yep, there it is. My bad.

Cool, and I hope they get all their drops, assuming they have the feasibility to go there at any given time.

And this guy wonders why I take him 1/10th seriously. Its absolutely ridiculous. Then to act offended when I make fun of what he says.


Because you don’t agree? And what’s the point of “making fun of someone” just because you don’t agree? It only reinforces my comments in the other thread. Why not just have a conversation? Is that hard?

He has something of a point though.

XP-off players can farm raids over and over until they get their desired drops whereas XP-on players risk leveling out of their bracket, making whatever did drop for them much less useful.

Levelers have to stop leveling in order to access this advantage.

This whole discussion branched off of from where I linked my druid, which went to Dragon Soul ONCE and got enough gear to satisfy me while leveling.

I was just talking about how easy it is to get fantastic gear while not even twinking at all.

Obviously its not BiS, its not even close to perfect. But its still a massive advantage over levelers that can be done by anyone. I could go for a full set of gem gear, but why bother when I’m going to level out of the bracket in 6-7 bgs and could be doing any other raid by that time.

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