Fine whatever you believe, not xpoff unless they leave early or hack etc etc. Or level 20’s.
Since you are up, why not link the Legends video for us?
There can only be one.
edit, The God
Lol how boring.
This might just be a horde symptom, all of my queues from 20-77 have been 10min or below on my Kul’tiran.
Come on let us witness the greatness, Legends never die.
It’s what keeps him up at night
There is others too, hence the attention.
Unless they are attracted to Twinks?
Are we still talking about WoW?
He was fun. Big maces was more fun.
Edit: I have been in queue for 41 mins. Lawdy…
My friends, yes.
This is where folks get salty because they can’t stand the fact xpoff was removed. It’s OK we understand, we’ve been on the receiving end for a good bit of the expansion. I feel your pain.
Who is this we?
Nah that was your months and months of whines.
Feel proud yet?
You can work it out your intelligent enough.
Always have been always will be.
Oh, should tell Grey that. I was always asked that when I said “we”
I don’t know Grey.
Others do, they get the joke
I’m delighted for them
Hey I am too