Playing twinks is fun.

If they dont want to twink of course always would be.

XP off was nerfed not gear.

What do we do about the players with geared alts who just refuse to better themselves in instanced PVP?
300g a day on Xmogs and complains about enchants on BOAS.
In turn, whines about Twinks too. :thinking:

Exactly. Nothing was improvedā€¦

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It give +2 to stats.

It is actually because the part time twinks have stopped playing because they canā€™t stomp lowbies no more, over and over again.

Letā€™s see some of these improved matches.

I canā€™t speak for them. Donā€™t know.

Item levels may have been boosted, but the players are still not choosing to prepare for war.

No competition, bodies are getting dropped like flies.

If I can be bothered videoing themā€¦dont really need to. XPoff is out of the leveling bgs.

Nah just a ss would suffice of some good BGs. No need to video

They canā€™t complain now, I have seen disasters recently.
That old boomy video was soft in comparison.

Just let it happen.

Itā€™s a game I donā€™t really care you go into bgs win or lose. The proper twinks will find a way to keep their community alive, part time twinks canā€™t be bothered because there is no cannon fodder for them now as xpoff.

You clearly do


I think they have something to share with us.

You still have not provided any video of someone with higher damage yet. Still waiting.

Iā€™m lvl 25 in the video, a mix AR, BG rewards and BoA gear.


Well then be happy :slight_smile:

Body after body. :ok_hand:

Oh I am. They removed what you wanted, and youā€™re still here