Playing this game should not give me this much anxiety. It shouldn't

I shouldn’t be unable to PvP without being able to get my best legendary. The Doom Winds legendary is so good in pvp that i literally do half the damage without it. Enhance is unplayable without it.

I shouldn’t have to queue up for a heroic and have anxiety the entire time whether or not it will drop.

I shouldnt have to do a MYTHIC DUNGEON and be constantly anxious about whether or not my best in slot PVP legendary will drop.

Video games are supposed to be fun and being constantly denied an item that you need is not fun. It’s not fun to be unable to pvp because of this. It’s not fun on your week off work being tortured by game RNG and being unable to get a legendary.

Ive WASTED 2 days trying to get this item. Wasted. I hate PvE. 30+ heroic runs and mythic runs too? This is horrible. I just want to play this character in pvp and my vacation is ruined.



Things are not in your control and you need to understand that. The sooner you do, the sooner your anxiety will go down.

You are not in control of RNG. It is ok, and you will eventually get that loot. For now, it is out of your control.

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sounds unhealthy.

i think its pretty relaxing tbh.

you gotta do stuff because you enjoy doing it and not expect any loot. thats when it gets fun. loot is just the cherry on top

it does get on the nerves when a long badluck streak hits but there’s always tuesdays


You may never get the item…that is the true nature of RnG…

Dude you’ve made several topics on the same exact thing. You really need to step away from the computer and get some fresh air.


I got it on my first run… sorry but I think your lieing about 30+ runs

I think the OP is more annoyed that acquisition is locked behind a type of content they do not enjoy…in combination with terrible RnG.

I personally cant stand playing with other people…I just want to PvP and kill players not make friends…but to advance in WoW you have to make friends to get gear… I understand the OPs situation.


You are in the minority…did you get the drop on an MPlus run? The drop rate is higher on higher keys…

Put things into perspective.

Everything you are trying for will be crap in 9.1 or 9.2. Except maybe the standard must have pvp trinkets. And those are just collect up conquest points. In the end its all insignificant so…see that it matters less now. Nihilism has its upsides sometimes lol.

Also unless the need to be competitive in pvp for guild needs…losing to not all BiS is okay. Die, live again. And…die again.

You need to take a break.


You’re right, you need to relax LOL.

I see stuff like this and I agree. This game shouldn’t give you anxiety. You’re paying for entertainment. And you are paying cash money, every month.

I decided a while back that I did indeed enjoy aspects of this game. So I do keep playing. Not continuously; I’m close to pulling the ripcord and jumping to FFXIV because Cyberpunk turned into a dumpster fire. But I’m a regular player for well over a decade. But only because I play the game that I want to play, and if Blizzard decides they want me to wait for story or whatever I just bail. Then I come back and play the story bits that I want to play.

You should know some things about how corporations work. They must make more money ‘now’ than they made ‘before’. They will do anything to do this. Rearrange employees, lay people off, remove resources from a project, etc. Nothing is as important as making more money ‘now’ than ‘before’. If the game isn’t as much fun to you ‘now’ as it was ‘before’ you are perfectly within your rights, based on how the people who own the game run it, to just take a break and come back later to consume all the content that piled up.

I promise. It’s OK.

Took me 33 runs to get a conduit from Sanguine Depths. Ran spire 23 times for the trinket and ran into one shammy claiming 33 runs and no wind fury memory yet. So he isn’t alone.

Want to know what is worse? He can watch other people get the drop he needs and because it is soul bound nothing can be done to help.

i really think this is what hell must feel like

being constantly denied something you want for 8+ hours a day because of things out of your control.

I hate this.

Man wait until you find out you have to fight other players in PvP.

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Honestly, if that gives you bad anxiety, you might want to lookinto some meds or therapy. CBT could help you a lot.

If you are feeling anxious that’s your fault because you choose to be anxious.

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This is gonna be mean of me, but with no ill will intended.

It sounds like you need therapy.

That’s not how it works, and that’s a terrible thing to say to someone. Anxiety is a medical condition, and very common. For some people it requires medication or even hospitalisation. It’s not a choice, it’s nobody’s fault.

Incidentally, it’s also not blizzards fault. You can’t blame a game for giving you anxiety. If it’s literally giving you anxiety, you should look after your health and step away for a bit.