As i watch ‘Blizzard Explains the Entire History of World of Warcraft’ on you-tube. I hear one of the developers say “These days a lot of folks don’t necessarily have as much time, they’ve got family’s, they’ve got kids, sometimes they want a more ‘bite sized’ play experience”
I agree with that settlement exactly.
With Shadowlands on the horizon, it presents an opportunity for the twinking community to be included again in this expansion. whether its battling along side your friends of all levels in an invasion or its helping new players run threw lower level dungeons or its PvPing and dominating the landscape as a hero. Blizzard has a chance to right some wrongs done to the twink community.
Here are some things id like to talk about and i will present them in 4 topics: Positives of playing a twink, the Negative effects of playing a twink, new Ideas for the twink community and then Questions about things to come;
1: Low repair bills
2: Gear expires slower
3: Feeling Powerful in the game (relative to your level and beyond)
4: Play how you want to play
1: 90% experience eliminator for playing with friends or new friends ("I don’t want to play with you, YOU have the plague!!!)
2: No loot from higher level mobs (“if you kill it, it should drop”)
3: (Hunters) Unable to get higher level rare pets
1: PvP Vendors (possibly from old expansions) for Tier bracket sets for the 19, 29, 39 and 49 brackets
2: Boss level City NPC’s that scale to reflect player level
1: Will there be an invasion like in previous expansions and will it have loot
2: Items that will be Squished in Shadowlands, will it reflect actual item level or will that gear reflect player level (pretty simple one here as all things will most likely be squished off the item level they are at)
This is by no means an extensive list, these topics and more have extensive detail i didn’t include here to leave it open to comments and discussion.
i hope this is a ‘reasonable but awesome extension to the game itself’