Playing destro now

I came back to retail to do M+ in S4… wow the specs feel terrible. I am not sure if the pay off is worth it to even bother playing enhance. I’m over here playing the piano and doing DDR to do mediocre dps in keys. A ret pally in my group walks in and lul storms everything down. I have to live in the mobs because as a half caster I still predominately have to be 2 inches from the enemy.

This kit sucks. I know some people like it, and thematically it feels really fun. And if doing it made us top dps over other classes I would be for it. But honestly, the cope and acceptance is unimaginable when classes just do more damage, with simpler rotations, better defensive, and some with extended range.

I hop onto demo lock, RAIN OF FIRE GO BURR. Why are these brain dead playstyles that are safe and easy to execute the best dps classes in M+? Why is the excuse that enhance has a complex (aka bloated global heavy) rotation because it “feels better” and does more damage (but in actuality less dps than other classes in keys and raid with simple rotations)

Idk just venting, but god it’s annoying seeing any pushback on streamlining our kit.

Also final point…

Warlocks even got insane attention from the devs and amazing reworks. Multiple passes on the class.

Shaman has gotten 0 attention, why would anyone continue to play the disjointed mess of a class in tww when we’re this far into the alpha and the hero tree is predominantly NYI and doesn’t interact well with their kits. Why are both ele and enhance so diametrically split between their trees (fire versus lightning). Obviously this could all change in tww with the baselines +3 yds to all melee and potential reworks but for right now, enhance is not very rewarding to put that much effort into.