Players Unaware of Game Changes

I always laugh when I come across somebody who is unaware of something that changed in the game.

It could be something from multiple expansions ago, and they just realize it and are amazing. And I’m amazed watching this, like how do you not know all the features, yet you played for so long…

Mainly bc wow players don’t like to read


Not everyone in WoW played since day 1, I played for a bit in legion, but my first real xpac was SL. Its why I was happy about the anniversary classic realms, I wanted to see what the game used to be like firsthand xD

Oh! Did those start already?

wat dis say


Why? There’s a lot in this game. Heck, I just found out about something that’s been in the game for a while a few weeks ago and I’ve been here since Vanilla.

I don’t know everything in this game.

Weird flex to brag about belittling people. But you do you.


Been playing since tbc and only learned this expansion that org has an npc who port you to the dmf portal. I was flying over all this time.


No! I am guilty of NOT KNOWING as well

I am merely saying, it’s a funny thing about the WoW experience

I didn’t mean to come actoss as flexing

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All good. Either the wording was off or I just misunderstood.

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I hear you.

Like when someone comes along and asks a question about something that is not game changing, but a small QOL feature, and you proceed to tell them, Oh, you mean this? And they are just happy as pie afterwards.

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Yes, it’s always good vibes, but me watching this… I’m like, wow…

It happens to me too. I also don’t always keep track of EVERYTHING

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I’m a bit embarrassed at how long it took me to discover the reagent tab. Let’s just say it wasn’t during the expansion in which it went live.


It’s like those folks who make spam threads who think they are sharing something important, but it is completely off topic and seems more like a diary entry instead of a conversation. Like, come on. How do you not know what an off topic spam thread looks like.

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Why do you always look for issues man? What’s in it for you? Every single time you post somewhere it’s always to go against someone and just in a how dare you way as if you’re a Karen

Jesus Christ. Weird kind of takes from you 24/7.

It happens but I just take it as helping them, a lot of people didn’t see the fact that Teracgosa’s staff got a mount version from a DF blue dragon quest because it was I believe not really advertised

Also I play on Stormrage, a heavy alliance-weighted server, with a 95 to 5 pop I think, so whenever someone keeps advertising on the Horde side when I’m on my horde character I just tell them to hop over to an Alliance character as Orders are cross factions so you know, just advertised where there’s the most people… most are happy :smiley:

I personally just check wowhead as my kind of news every day, I enjoy to keep up with the game, but I didn’t used to do it that much. However it’s really easily accessible if you’re a dedicated Wow player to just have Google open with Wowhead, it’s like opening the TV to the news every morning for me.

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Been here 17 years and I still discover new things, some of which have been in the game for ages.


… never learn to read? It was a misunderstanding that was cleared up. Maybe before you go off on someone, you should actually read the 14 other posts first, instead of randomly flipping out “like a Karen.” :roll_eyes:

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My apologies on this one I didn’t check, but I see you post answers often and most of the first answers you send (that I saw) feels very condescending, so I had to reply about it this time.

Never condescending unless someone snaps at me first. But I am blunt. I found that if I’m not, people tend to not read what’s there, because it’s too wordy and then poo hits the fan with misunderstandings. But when I’m blunt, people get mad. I can’t find a good middle ground. I’m screwed no matter what. lol

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