Players saying they dont have time. (why you play then?)

It’s been really bothering me lately: the attitude of some players in Raids, BGs, or M+. They’re constantly saying, “I don’t have time to wipe,” or “I don’t have time for all this nonsense.”

But seriously, if they’re so pressed for time, why are they even playing? Why join a raid or dungeon if you’re just going to rush through it? Play the game when you actually have the time to enjoy it!

anyone has any opinions on this or agree with me would love to know what you guys think.


A lot of people that play the game cannot handle failure to the point where they bail if it isn’t a carry. The not having time thing is just an excuse.


That is exacly what i have been thinking just a excuse.

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Actively choosing to go slower “just because” doesn’t sound too appealing lol.


There’s a line between, “You’re playing with other human beings who aren’t always going to go as fast or as precisely or as skillfully as you would,” and, “You’re playing with people who have no idea where they are, what they’re doing, what their role is, what the objective is, or how to get there.” I think in the first case, just taking a breath and being patient and tamping down your entitlement is a good idea. I think in the second case, just leaving the group is the thing to do.

Getting into a PUG where the tank says, “New here. Where do we go?” I’ll just leave, rather than complain, because I’ve been playing for 14 years and know the content like the back of my hand; and this is going to sound really harsh, but learning content is for friends and guildies, not for strangers.


Not just for instanced content. We can see these kind of complains about open world content too.

I think was yesterday, some guy was asking to blizzard reduce the amount of Dreamsurge Coalescence needed for the weekly quest…
I mean, 100 of these things are so easy to get already. In less than 15 min you get that, but this guy still thinks is too much time…

The people speedrunning heroic dungeons are other example of it.

I just don’t understand why these people keep playing a genre of game that naturally is time consuming, and keep asking for it to delivery easy and convenient content . They want turn wow into a mobile game, the next step will be request autoplay.


There is a difference between dungeons and raids here, I think. I certainly don’t want to rush through dungeons to the point that I’m stressed (which is entirely subjective, I realize). That’s why M+ timers irritate me.

However, raiding is a different beast. At a group size above about 10, you spend half your time waiting for everyone else to be ready before pulls. During progression, you are waiting for everyone to collectively get the strat through all of your thick skulls, wiping throughout, and then waiting for everyone to be ready again before the next pull. All that waiting is what burns me out of raiding, so I can understand a push to go faster in that case.


Nobody likes their time wasted.

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Because they are playing the game for completion and rewards as opposed to enjoyment and challenge.

Mobile games have a lot to answer for.


I highly doubt the people pushing past Mythic +10 are doing it for completion and rewards lol.

I agree with your first half but I think there is more to consider for the second half.

Now, if you are not interested in dealing with a new player, that’s fine.

However, for me it’s the question of is this person genuinely trying or not. I’ve come across people in content or even with the new crafting stuff that need to be walked through the first time, but then get it and become a repeat crafting customer or go on to run additional content. Essentially, they needed a little guidance or a few tips and I remember being that “clueless noob” and the people that helped me.

If someone doesn’t care to try or hasn’t even prepped for the basics and will continue not taking suggestions ….that is a totally different story. I’d be out too.

Personally, I think we need to be cautious about the statement “ Go learn with friends”, because when I was learning to tank, thats what I heard. Now I ONLY tank for friends and sometimes guild mates and won’t do it with strangers.

Just my opinion. :slight_smile:


I don’t have time for however long raids take these days, what is it somewhere around 2-4 hours? I don’t even know if I’m honest, lol.

For that reason, I never do them, so I don’t waste my time, or anyone else’s time because I don’t do the thing or the mechanic needed and create stress. Aside from that, I do what I can in the time I have to play. I can understand others not wanting to waste their time, although it does get annoying super blasting timewalking dungeons sometimes when the tank leaves us behind, lol.


Oh, we could make the time if it was worth it. Its not. Anyone could. Its not that we cant but that we dont. There is a difference.

Clearly we dont all have equal time to waste on any given hobby.
And those who dont have enough time for X, should just admit they dont have the time for that aspect of the game and not participate.

Feels like THIS is why my beloved daily stuff turned into bi weekly. …someone who doesnt have ‘the time’ to do the stuff but wants to whine about having to see it on their maps.
REALLY irks me, honestly.

play the game, dont play the game, I dont give rats rump…but dont ruin it for those who DO want to have more content to do because one wants to whine about not having time.


Actively try to speed run “just because” doesn’t sound to appealing. See how that works?
It’s not “just because” for either argument. It’s a preferred way to play. And like it or not the “slow” crowd is way bigger than you think. Otherwise the devs wouldn’t be constantly adding ways for they “slow player” to enjoy the game.

I don’t think that’s harsh. But I do think it’s wrong. You just don’t have the personality to help others or the patience to allow others to learn. We don’t send our children to schools with friends and family members teaching them. We don’t go to a new job and expect our friends to ‘on-board’ us. Heck we don’t even go to a new store and expect people we know to tell us where the ketchup is if we can’t find it. When you exist is a public space you will always have strangers that need assistance. Your either willing to help a stranger or your not. And apparently your not. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t something that is needed for society to grow and flourish. If you don’t want to contribute to that than that’s your prerogative.


Yea, I always find it curious why the experience of people who ‘only have a short amount of time’ to do said thing, should somehow get prioritized over people who have the time.

When I have a limited time to play, and decide to try and do something in that limited time, I understand that it was my choice and I may not be able to complete it. So I’m ready to end my game session with potentially not having completed the thing… without putting that on other people.


This, it doesn’t matter the game.

Nobody wants to carry someone who is dragging their feet, that isn’t about doing the minimal work.

Go play League of Legends, and it’s like someone who doesn’t kill their minions and constantly doesn’t ward and get caught, or pick appropriate champions.

Nobody wants someone that wants a free ride.

No such thing as a free lunch, etc.

Even video games, which are more “play” than work, still involve doing work.

Free time is limited, so we want to succeed in that free time.

Also it’s multiplayer, so it’s inherently a team game.

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Not sure what you mean by trying to speed run. If a dungeon takes 20 minutes, why would I actively try to make it take 40? It makes zero sense lol.

I doubt players try to actively make it take 40… its the players who know it takes 20 mins but lose their minds if it takes 25…