Our new guild that we’re raiding with doesn’t seem to be meshing/working well. After a merger to form a new guild right out of the gate of SL there seems to be some leadership clashing or indifferences and as such we’re trying to be proactive in looking for a guild with a CE focused.
We’re all very experienced players raiding in almost every single xpac (one of us didn’t play BFA) whom are also comfortable on multiple classes/roles.
We’re looking for a chill group of people who like to hang out and have a good time. If you are active outside of raid that is a plus too, maybe RBG’s, m+ pushing, other games etc. Our only real requirement is we’d like to raid at the earliest at 9:30PM EST and the group should have a focus on cutting edge. 2 Nights will get preference but will consider 3 nights. Faction/server doesn’t matter that much.
Current class/specs:
- Fire Mage (can go Frost if needed or it creeps up again)
- Resto Shaman (can go Elemental)
- Arms Warrior (also has a Blood DK or can go Prot War if you require a tank).
If there’s a specific need you want to fill let us know, as mentioned we’re all multi-class viable and comfortable. Just reply with your info and I can reach out and give you more info such as logs and such.
Thanks for reading.