Players, I think we need to talk about your computers

It’s also just flat out cheaper. Sure, the money you saved is in exchange for cost of effort, but that is most of what you are paying for when you bring your car to a shop to do an oil change… The manpower (and the markup of products).

Bro… Changing oil is easier than you think…

I’m an absolute brain-dead idiot when it comes to cars but like, knowing how to do an oil change, switch out a tire is an absolute MUST. If I can do it, anyone can lol.

I’ve watched WAAAAAAY too many horror movies to let myself be stranded on the side of the road.

if it weren’t for WOW I would have forgotten to upgrade my pc for about twelve years (my work furbishes me with my pcs for work), thanks to WOW I have bought 5 new pcs in that time span. The last time was in March of this year I dropped what I consider to be a standard amount to get a high end gaming pc based on shopping prices, if COVID wouldn’t have been in affect I’d have saved significantly by buying components separately and having the guys from IT put it together for me. It is something I have come to expect and when I buy the new expacks now I by the best version with all the frills because yeah, its an investment. When I first started playing I couldn’t afford any of that, and perhaps this game meant way more to me back then as well. I feel deeply for the people who really game their @sses off and cannot afford to upgrade without significant struggle.

I made the SSD switch 1/2 way into Legion. I’m happy I did.

Making that SSD switch I just purchased a whole new computer as my other was getting old and I would have spent just as much if not more buying individual pieces.

I’m not gonna upgrade anytime soon, but I will eventually. My SSD is on the low capacity side. I’m hoping to hold off closer to Black Friday for some good deals on upgrades.

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Really my understanding is that you should make an upgrade every 5ish years when you can.

Every couple or so expansions should do the trick.


I held out an extremely long time. My previous upgrade was back during Wrath.

My current rig has a 250g SSD with a 2T HDD.

Really I just wanna upgrade that SSD .

I started in 2007 and my PC was well under those 2004 requirements. lol

I was running a 433mhz Pentium something or another and had 128mb RAM. And I was on dial-up. It was a painful leveling experience.

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OP: “Buy more hardware so I can like the game more, peasant. I don’t care how much minimum wage it takes. Your kids don’t need food.”


What do you mean, kids need PCs so they can help push keys…

I didn’t say it was difficult. I also did say I do more maintenance stuff on my motorcycle, that includes the oil. Don’t assume things about people if you don’t have all the info.


Your argument is that you would rather pay people than do it yourself while claiming its cheaper.
Its usually more expensive in the long run to buy your oil and change it yourself.

It’s kind of closed minded to expect everyone to be able to do all things when the reality is maybe I don’t want to do that, or change that and that’s my prerogative, my choice. I don’t even need a reason to give these guys who are trying to bully us into thinking we’re just not good enough if we don’t know how to change a spark plug. Sheesh.


In my area, that is correct. Notice I didn’t say anything about “difficulty”. That was a you accusation. This is entirely a financial decision on my part.

That’s exactly my point.

God we can’t even get them to wear masks…to possibly literally save their lives…


Anyone here who knows computers maybe can tell me if my system will run the new game ok. I’m not expecting perfection as it is my internet isn’t great, we have a dsl telephone connection still (centurylink doesn’t seem to want to upgrade to fiber for us rural guys yet).
Intel core i7-4790 cpu 3.60
GE Force GTX 1050Ti
I bought this to try to meet the suggested requirements for Legion.

I’ve actually done a few things like they want on my car, like change the cabin filter and what not. Takes 3 minutes to do once you google how. But yes, these people taking it a bit far. There is just too much to life to become basic proficient with everything that people consider simple. It’s a pretty holier-than-thou attitude they have.


2 tera hard drive ssd is not very good priced now since it’s at 250-400 bucks and that the min I would use for hard drive.

You’ll be fine for SL with those specs.

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100% worth the investment in the long run. Considering larger SSDs have a longer write life at the end of the day