Those are not the only people being douche. I wager there are more that belong to the “I am in a guild, therefore I am better than you. Be grateful a pro is in this pug, how dare you not play perfect.” than simply bitter puggers.
Regardless, my original statement is still true. The server has a lot of would-be pros that only elevate themselves through the mockery of others.
Nothing against that server, it happens in every big competitive server. That is one of them.
This. Exactly this.
While I do see validity on your response thats a fringe outlier that works both ways. I say fringe because high end mythic raiders and mplus players dont pug that content or participate in normal raids or low keys. As for a two way street and im not sure if you can relate or not as I cant see your char progress but as a mythic raider with a 480 itm lvl as gaurd when I join a random bg I get all the angry spam from allinace players after for “being a sweaty neck beard who joins bgs just to stomp lower lvl players” when im just conquest capping for the week and have 0 interest in arena
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No group of players is devoid of bad personalites.
This isn’t exclusive to any server. It’s really stupid to condemn and entire server’s playerbase, especially one as large as Illidan, because of a few players. Illidan hosts many top M+ players and raiders, so I would not blacklist it if I were you.
The point is this fool was afk during a raid. He deserved what he got no matter what realm he’s from. And we all know he’ll do it again. 
But rAiDuRr i0 iZ sO AuWsUmE!
If we’re going with anecdotes, Proudmoore is the absolute worst!
Its a him problem, I wouldn’t waste time on it, I would also say not everyone plays like him that’s on Illidian, All players have the capability of being a douche
This has been a really consistant issue with PUGs from Illidan. By far if anything goes wrong they are the first to start harrassing people, and the first to break a key.
I will contonue to blacklist them.