Players Are Causing DHKs In Alterac Valley

This should be instant ban for the people doing this.

Before SoD was release i was talking about DHKS removal from SoD. Every phase i post talking about DHKS, today we are in phase 7 and they still making silence about DHKS in SoD.

Sad to Say but for some reason the want/love/need to punish the whole player base with this crap mechanic.

The original devs back then admitted dhks didn’t serve their purpose. My guess as to why they’re not removed is very simple: the classic team can’t be bothered. Or they don’t know how. Or they’re scared they’ll break something (and they probably will).


I actually suspect DHKs do more than most people suspect. With all the griefing and other issues that PvP servers get plagued with, it would be easy to see people choosing to gank quest givers, and other NPCs. Now perhaps there are better ways to solve this, but this is classic, and it is what it is.

This does seem to be knowingly bad behiavior, so I would agree that people should get suspended if reported, and this isn’t simply just another case of PvP happened on a PvP server. Ultimately the solution should be to make sure there are no tame able animals that are flagged as civilians, which should be a relatively simple task, and solution.

I suppose its a question of impact. For the boon bug, weren’t the folks who were most impacted by this also trying to deliberately game an exploit, then got bit by Blizzard’s subsequent actions?

Here, I see this as a bit different… someone intentionally exploiting game mechanics to force DHKs on players inside a BG, where DHKs should never occur, can set people back significant amounts of time (weeks, even) on their ranking journey.

I mean, I know it’s unlikely that they’ll do anything, but it would be very appropriate for Blizzard to wipe clean any DHKs gained inside of BGs while the exploit was live and restore any honour lost as a result.

Either way, good luck to the folks who were hit by this.


Kevin Jordan said they added DHKs to stop people killing every NPC in places like south shore.

They did work.

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Blizz should be suspending these hunters for a month or so , end of story.

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Actually, you’re wrong. Because that didn’t happen. Players who want to kill citizens to grief the other faction don’t give a damn about their honor rating.

And Blizz said that. That’s why they went away in TBC.


lol yes they do :expressionless: that’s why it was so effective and towns with mass slaughtered NPCs were rare

DHKS should not exist in PvP servers, grieffing ? Go to play pve or lvl up farming boars.

Or give them a less negative impact 1 dhk = 1 hk ratio and a debuff Anti stealth to the player since 100% civ killers are rogues.

DHKS only prevents raiding capital cities which should exist in classic and this is negative for the gameplay, classic should have a weekly PvP quest to kill a leader of the oposite faction, the leader rotates every week.

In other hand, you can kill as many low lvls players directly, i need to understand how killing a stupid npc punish You weeks ahead but killing directly the players 40 lvls behind is ok.


The deterrent of DHKs does nothing to people who want to grief and don’t care about their PVP rank. DHKs just punish people who get them by accident. It does not resolve the problem it set out to resolve, just adds a way for people to grief other people. If you want to solve the issue you make critical NPCs unkillable, like the starting area quest givers.


For the record I didn’t really I didn’t really find running a flag down an empty field in 6 minutes several hundred times a week all that stimulating or enthralling on my ranking journey in Classic 2019 to be all that indicative of skilled PvP gameplay either. WSG may as well have just been PvE relay race gameplay, for all I could tell.

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Everything in vanilla is either a signifier of time investment or luck. Having r14 represent nothing but time invest, ironically the old ranking system + premades is the only real way to actually add skill to the pvp grind (if your team can out pace every other player on the server you and your boys control the top brackets.

I don’t like dhks either, but couldn’t one faction decide to literally camp entire towns for months without something like them? Like horde could just full control storm wind for months

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Reddit thread on the same subject says it’s a visual bug and won’t actually cause DHK.

Which one is true?

tysm for warning omg lol

edit: i always have a visual bug for 2 dishonor kills on my “today” section.

i’ve gotten one while ranking on sod and it instantly deranked me. i think thats how it works. and if you do kill more in one day it will derank you even more instantly.

If people wanted to do this they would, what are DHKs gonna do? Oh no, my pvp rank went down… Anyways, all your NPCs are dead. DHKs do nothing to prevent this. I knew someone in classic 2019 that had 5000+ DHKs, he didn’t care about his pvp rank.

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DHKs were another area where Blizzard simply didn’t bother to explore what they could do with them and simply gave up essentially doing nothing, ultimately choosing to get rid of them making the game less complex and nuanced. There were so many ways Blizzard could have made the world richer, DHKs and consequences around them beyond simply de-ranking was one of those areas…

We just had like 6+ weeks of no ranking system in anniversary, nightslayer is the biggest classic realm in the history of north america and guess what? no one camped the quest givers

the majority of people don’t care to do things like this anymore, they spend their time doing character progression and the minority that do will just do it anyway, its a totally pointless system

They are an effective griefing tool to derank unsuspecting party members, they are effective at stifling world pvp, they have no place on the pvp server certainly


that’s because everyone was in a mad dash to lvl to 60 and get prebis :expressionless: now that people are starting to get bored they absolutely will do terrible things if you remove DHK.

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I think Frostfire is an idiot and I don’t want to agree with him but…
It did and that’s why.

It wasn’t for south shore though it was for the starter areas because level 60s were killing everything in Deathknell and Northshire Abbey making it impossible for the lowbies to quest at all.

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[Citation needed]

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