Players Abusing Mass Report/Auto Suspension System in WSG

Just saw this happen in our WSG game, but horde teams are mass reporting FC players on alliance in order to disconnect them, have them drop flag, and remove them from the BG.

We were winning our game 1/3 against a horde team, and then suddenly our FC disconnected mid run and he messaged us on discord that he received a 48 hour suspension for inappropriate name (note his name is Droodcarry). This is the 2nd time this has happened to him in the middle of WSG, and his previous 24 hour suspension was also an automated system suspension for “inappropriate name”.

Kind of sad to see that horde players have resorted to asking players on their team to mass name report alliance FCs, but I think there should be some sort of penalty for false reporting in order to try and win BGs.

It doesnt seem like the automated suspension can be appealed, as he mentioned last time he was just met with automated/non-human responses from the ticketing system.


Submit a ticket and have them review it.

It won’t be reviewed by a human, and he will just receive another automated system message stating “players must follow TOS link etc.”, so its probably best he wait out the 48 hours. Just sad to see that this is what opposing players resort to, without any repercussions for abusing mass reporting


Unfortunately this is how mmos are these days. If there’s a way to completely remove an obstacle from an equation, it is done without regard for how scummy it might come across. This was the largest reason New World couldn’t be saved, because its one decent selling point that held true after launch was diminished by servers mass reporting shotcallers and geared players partaking in wars due to automated suspension systems, and the illusion of having a lot more resources to make a better experienced went away when you realized Amazon was too cheap to hire actual gms to handle these things.

It’s been a problem in WoW since forever, if you sell m+ carries and undercut another group on your server, expect a silence at a minimum. If you did RBGs in Cata or MoP and it involved Skype, hope you used a vpn or one of your teammates isn’t on the other team the next day because you’re going to get ddosed because rating is important.


Yeah its sad to see its happening in SoD, where games are not ranked/rated, the honor rank cap is set to rank 3 in this phase, and its really just a bit of WSG rep they would be gaining (if they actually win games like this).

If anyone has also had this happen before, and you have info on the specific horde group/player (and if its a streamer) thats pushing for their team to mass report individual opposing players, please share details here.

I didn’t write his name down, but we were playing against a pretty geared Orc Hunter FC that I assume was upset after our FC had killed him and returned the flag (it was a group of about 4 horde from the same server, but I believe all 10 members in the team would have had to send a false report out to create the auto suspension)

what a crappy way to cheat. Sorry this happened to you guys. I’ve been forced to change my name a few times in game and I never got a 2 day or even a 1 hour ban from the game, it just boots me out, says you have to rename your character and it lets me right back in. Once I put the auto generated name and that name got reported, so the whole name thing is just silly.

Yeah its unfortunate, and my guess is he won’t want to go back into a WSG moving forward, since the next mass false report would lead to an extended automated suspension of 1 week (assuming it increases from 24hrs, 48hrs, 7 days per auto suspension).

Just sucks that this is the state of SoD WSG and players…

It’s unfortunate the first step is automated action… however false reports are not in line of TOS… I’ve had similar thing happen to me and after a ticket was opened and processed to an actual GM action was taken on the opposing player causing grief.

This is not racial, or faction specific.
The way you call out the Horde makes me feel less bad for you.
I would leave those bits out.


I would have left it as “opposing team”, but I have never been in an SoD WSG where alliance members are asking everyone to mass report the opposing FC…its usually just a guy telling everyone how bad they are and how we should delete our games


Yea homie this ain’t a faction thing lol. Get over yourself. This is a common sweat greif.


Right now with 2 confirmed instances impacting alliance FCs, I think its safe to say it is an issue with a specific player or group that is playing on Horde (convincing his entire team to mass report individual opposing FCs).

Unless there are cases of this happening on horde side to horde FCs, please share the details here

Anyway its beyond the point and it doesnt really matter whether its alliance or horde players pushing these mass false BG reports, its bad/scummy on either side to cheat like this.


How did you know he got kicked if you weren’t in discord with him? So a not pre-made just used blizz systems against a pre-made? modern problem require modern solutions???

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“our FC”, we were a group 4 guild members running WSG games. I wouldnt really consider a group of 4 (without any of us playing disc priest) as a full on “premade” vs “pug”

Would be funny if a GM actually reviewed the case and those responsible for false reporting were permabanned.

Won’t happen, of course, but it would be funny.


Also just got a message from a Paladin FC on our server that just had this happen to him (he said about 30min ago in his last WSG game, only a 24 hour suspension on his side but also for inappropriate name report) – so 3 confirmed cases of mass false name reporting from a horde group that is still running WSGs as we write on here lol

If there are any honest players that are/have been in the same WSGs as this group (the group asking everyone to mass report the opposing FC), please post here.

What server/guild are these horde?

Blizz trash automated systems…hopefully these players are punished

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Why can Horde even report Alliance?

Blizzard are so cringe sometimes.

What server was this on?

You can get suspended and flagged for having a non RP name on a RP / RPPVP server.

Droodcarry is definitely in violation of naming rules on them.

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Sounds like a good counter to premades.

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