Player "Tax" on BoA currency items

Why are players “taxed” for sending BoA currency items to our other characters? I’m honestly curious as to what the reasoning is behind this on every item that does this since they were introduced I believe in WoD? with garrison currency. I don’t understand why its not just a 1 to 1 transfer. I’ve already earned it on my main character and want to gear up and alt. Why do I need to pay a tax on it for my own character for things I’ve already earned once? It seems so arbitrary and unexplained and very clearly unwanted by players.

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Mmm I misread this.


To make you spend more time farming then you have to, discourage you from playing alts, or to make you say screw it and do the grind a second time to get more time played out of you. It’s poor game design, but there are some people that will defend it, and Blizz will see that as an ok to do it again and again.




1000% this. :point_up:

It’s one of many reasons people just give up on this game, because they try to create things that discourage you from doing other things. If you’re creating discouragement in a game… it’s time to rethink the design philosophy.



The tax is there likely because sometimes characters cannot as easily access the same resources.

Take Soul Ash as an example, I can go in and do the highest level Torghast level, for my alt character it might be difficult to do a Layer 5 in the same amount of time as my Main can do a layer 16. My Main is earning it at a faster rate doing higher content than my alt could possibly do at its level, so my alt shouldnt technically have the same resource allocation as my main does.

BoA lets me take a small hit to what I earned but I can send my alt resources that are harder to earn but are easier to earn on my Main.

Just to be clear I don’t really care for the small tax to transfer stuff, just pointing out why it is probably there. I don’t like when the chores take longer on my characters at all so I am all for a 1 to 1.

Take Soul Ash as an example, I can go in and do the highest level Torghast level, for my alt character it might be difficult to do a Layer 5 in the same amount of time as my Main can do a layer 16. My Main is earning it at a faster rate doing higher content than my alt could possibly do at its level, so my alt shouldnt technically have the same resource allocation as my main does.

I appreciate the “Devil’s Advocate” at least, but if that was/is the actual reason its easily the worst philosophy to have in design. I’m glad you agree lol