My alt needs cosmic flux

no. it’s a very calculated tactic. They design the game the way THEY want, and when it no longer impacts their vision, they concede to shut you up and pretend they listen to you.

it’s win-win. you shut up, they design their game how THEY want.

And then THEY wonder why so many people have jumped ship and don’t play anymore.

Things that make the game more fun and less a chore, things that make it easier for people to play alts etc helps keep people around.

Listening to people might actually keep the game going.


That’s great news about the flux! Is there going to be any change for Sandsworn Relics? It’s a great way to get alts tier gear but takes forever to accumulate, whereas my main has so many and nothing to do with them.

exactly. but this is classic blizzard. make the change when nobody gives a rats you know what about it.

i… we… the player earned it. who cares what toon we earned it on. currency like this should be account bound. peroid. who cares what toon i am playing. all these toons are on the same account and i am 1 player earning them.

blizzard really needs to step their game up and get on 2022’s level before their last 10k+ players decide to leave like the 12+ million before them.


listening to people got us Wrath of the Lich King. they should make it a priority to do the opposite of what the players tell them to do.

and pandas.

I fail to see the issue with two of the most popular expansions.

This was part of a similar thread yesterday and fits here, as well:


NICE…way to go Bliz

why are we congratulating them for doing this thing that should have been done 4 months ago?

like seriously people.


They are congratulating them because it is a positive update and another step in helping Blizzard establish new habits. Yes it is also fair to acknowledge that it could have been done earlier, but people waltzing in and just snarling that it’s late to need without given credit where it is due will not help encourage blizzard to continue down this path and build up new habits.

And for folks wondering about the “tax”, think about it this way. In general your main is better geared then your alts, likely substantially so, and collects flux at a fairly if not significantly higher rate then your less geared Alt. So honestly even with the “tax”, if your sending the flux from your main to a brand new alt; at worst you’re breaking even, and most likely you’re coming out well ahead by comfortably gathering on your main compared to spending an equivalent amount of game time struggling on the alt.

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we’ve seen this time and time again. it’s what they do.

trickle resources in at a snail’s pace at the start of an expansion, make the game almost untenable for alts, then at the end open the floodgates and allow us to trade resources account wide.

this isn’t a new habit and a sign that blizz is changing their design philosophy. we should stop falling for these moments of good-guy blizzard.


Blizz should let us trade 1000 Cosmic Flux for 50 Genesis Motes at the vendor.

Hey tell the devs that the alt tax is stupid please.

I earned the currencies. I want to use every single point of the currencies on whatever character I play without paying some ridiculous tax.



Dear Blizzard,

My night Elf druid thanks you and I thank you for this wonderful quality of life.

Love, Enfadosa

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GAH! We even have supply chain issues in World of Warcraft!

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I just spit out my drink. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very happy about this, but…


It doesn’t have any impact on the gear chase, as it’s only 246 gear… but it would REALLY help out those of us with lots of alts, who want to get set bonuses on our outdoor/world quest gear. Thank you!


Tax part makes no sense.
About time they did this.
Didnt clueless ion said that this expansion will be better for alts…what? Later at its last season?. Lazy liars

Sandworn relics

Considering there are still 5-6 months of shadowlands, there is still a long time to enjoy the change.

Now if they had included Sandworn Relics too I’d be happy.


Only several months late rather than an entire expansion lifecycle late…