Player statistics

Since we didn’t have the achievement function back in vanilla, is there a way to check for example how many times your character has died etc?

That was added with the achievement window, so there isn’t any other way to check those things in Classic.

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It’s not how many times you get knocked down; it’s how many times you get back up.

In WoW, it’s not how many times you die; it’s how many times you rez without rez sickness. LOL # of deaths unimportant; did you rez and continue the fight?

I am sure there would be an addon out soon enough, similar to how Titan panel can track gold earned over a server on all toons, death would be something it could track too.

Not too sure as the why you would want to know. XD

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Haha. no… There were no rezzers around when i died… Just my friends… Who laughed…

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Congratulations!!! You just had an authentic, original Vanilla WOW experience. (At least that’s the way MY guildies did it back then.) :rofl:

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Tbh, i enjoyed every part of it! I had forgotten how the quest system seems to believe that you are a semi-god. Hello there lvl 13 shaman, i want you to kill this group of lvl 19 ordinary raptors… .Sure thing and 10 seconds later i’m dead :smiley:

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