Player proves you can determine your layer with /who (proof inside)

Chat thing is false for me. General Chat for stormwind, chatted with someone. DIdn’t know they were in different layer until they invited me into a group.


I will play around with this tonight as well. Just curious. I am not trying to believe X or Y (including a massive corporation that is controlled by an even bigger greedy one), I am just trying to reason through how this works (if it even works). Will try to get as accurate of an experiment as possible, considering the latency between 2 scans…


Interesting, thanks for reporting. Is it possible to take some screenshots with the in-game clock / playtime command or something as evidence, please?


Layering needs to go.

It doesn’t matter if their are exploiters or not

Layering is blizzard trying to save money🤥


Wow! A well put together post for sure. I would love to hear what Blizzard has to say about this. Thanks for doing all the research and writing, you should be a QA employee at Blizzard :slight_smile:


I miss video games before lamers exploiting constantly.


No - I really wanted to see an in-game clock / at least same background for those 2 queries. There are a few unanswered questions with this experiment…


It seems to me that it would be very stupid of OP to have fabricated this evidence. If that is the case Blizzard could very well take action towards him for wasting their time. Also, it seems he doesn’t gain anything by bringing this up, he could be playing the game but instead he is doing these posts. But I’m not 100% sure, it will be interesting to see how Blizzard responds to this.


Man, vanilla was getting exploited constantly lol. This game has been held together by duct tape and the grace of Elune from day one.


They can be as loosey goosey with the truth as Boris Johnson at times.

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Oh! If you are correct then OP is completely wrong.

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While my statement is true, that does not appear to be the difference in these photos… since all players zones are listed as Orgrimar in the 2nd picture.

However the background for both photos is distinctly different and there is no clock so it appears they were just taken at different times.

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Yes, that is what I was trying to say :slight_smile: The only explanations would be the time. Will redo the experiment or, hopefully, Vorkiblo can put up some screenshots :slight_smile:

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It seems so stupid by OP to just do this at different times and make it appear as though this would work … but it could be the case. Just seems over and beyond stupid by OP to me if that is the case.

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There is no possible value in this post.

If it’s true, then you are explaining how to exploit, which is both obviously a bad thing and is bannable. If you believe you have knowledge of an exploit, Blizzard Customer Service has a way to report it directly to Blizzard.

If it’s false, then you are at best mistakenly Chicken-Littleing, which may cause long-term damage to the health of Classic if people believe you. If it’s intentionally false, then you’re also trolling.

No matter what, there’s nothing good that can come from posting this.


I mean just look at the backgrounds they were clearly taken in different locations.

If I were to guess Orgrimar and Thunder Bluff.

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You need to realize that not everyone that is doing something is trying to be “bad” in a way or another. It could totally be due to not realizing what actually matters when setting up this experiment. I really don’t know and I give them the benefit of the doubt (since they really don’t have a reason to fake it…), which is why I would like to test this as well.


You have some good points but I group up with my friends just to do the party chat business when we are in different zones and I might get switched to another layer accidently. I sure wouldn’t like to have my xp gains reverted because I accidently got switched just being social.

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Holy tinfoil, Batman!

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Nevermind, I recant this statement. I tried this command one minute apart:

z-“duskwood” 29-30


“duskwood” 29-30

with the following results:

https:// imgur .com /a/FZdkOsX

I am not sure if this is showing different layers or a bug in /who itself. Clarification from Blizzard is required. The reason I was getting the same results previously was because there is a limit on how often you can /who and get results.