Player Interaction: Inns

Inns like you’ve made in The War Within are so beautiful! Look!

I’d love to have more events or reason to hangout in these inns. I think it would be really fun to talk with players in these inns. I think this is a cornerstone of MMO’s and fantasy - I mean what screams “D&D” more than meeting new people in an inn?

Here are a few ideas, but I think any few of these would be a massive success:

  • Playable, collectable, minigames such as Hearthstone more properly built out and playable with NPCs or players in Inns.
  • Some sort of NPC AI where your battle pets will run to lay down by a fire or something.
  • Some sort of world buff available when in an inn, like a renown rested XP (fits lore-wise really well), increase success in cooking, or some unique overworld world buff gatherable whilst in an Inn.
  • “Happy-Hour”-esque type events where unique things are cheaper, or some sort of band plays or something!
  • Eating a meal at an Inn table with your raid group gives you food buff through death for 3hrs or something. (Renown unlock?)
  • x2 Rested XP if you buy & log off in an inn bedroom or something.

Overall I think stuff like the above would be really cool. Thanks!


Just wanted to add, with the Hallowfall Inn (pictured above) different sets of NPCs fill the place depending on time of day (? I think?) - and it’s really cool to see different sets of people in the Inn from one experience to the next.

I love that like stuff changes it makes the world feel a little more alive.

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I enjoy missions that bring players together in specific locations, even if just for a few moments. Recently, I considered creating a thread to ask members how important they think the social aspect is to the game experience, but I decided against it due to the low interaction in the forum threads and not knowing how interested some members would be in this topic. And yes, I was planning to cite other games and research to support my point of view.


Make the post. Make every post you have a strong desire to do so for.
Regardless if there is interaction or not.

We only hace a limited time to bring as much to light. Utilize your infinity gauntlet with impunity.