Player Housing

The Garrisons weren’t bad… but the sheer amount of cut content in Warlords was devastating.

Also: this is my most prized decoration— the Rakata Mind Trap in the middle of the floor. It took sooooo many runs of Eternity Vault and then I had to win the roll. :dracthyr_heart:

Also… cantina!

Okay, I’ll stop now. LOL


I don’t suspect timegating however, I do suspect it to be rather basic and limited for the initial launch.

I hope not buy unlock wall deco quest unlock rugs and chairs quest etc get the idea

Highly doubtful. I don’t know any MMORPG that’s nitpicked decos in such a manner.

Unlocking rooms or wings of a house? Sure. Deco slots? Excessively dumb for any game to do.

The main features of midnight will be the new zones, quests, stories, dungeons, and raids.

(Boy, are people pegging all their hopes and dreams on player housing going to be disappointed…

They had player housing in Fallout 76 (a C.A.M.P that could be moved around) and you could buy items from the in-game shop to help furnish it. I imagine the same thing will be done here.

You would purchase blueprints from the shop with bottlecaps and could upgrade the camp with better blueprints with more caps. Come to think of it, sounds like an engineering thing.

Fallout 76 tried to be an mmorpg but kinda failed in that respect, but the CAMPs were very cool.

Could be timegated like ESO housing where it comes up every 6 months to 2 years and costs $100.00 irl. But idk yet.

Player housing releases prior to Midnight. Read the roadmap.

Someday, maybe you’ll get your head out of whatever space it’s stuck in and stop acting so jerky about something you don’t need to participate in if you hate it so much.

Geebus. Such a grumpy gus.

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I’m thinking it might be like Animal Crossing, and it’ll be a huge gold sink, at least towards the end, for the largest of rooms/houses.

Probably gonna cost a large amount to upgrade room size or change layouts or something like that.

I am very much expecting something for whales since the brutosaur was such a success. There’s no reason for them not to keep trying with that stuff lol.

Also wondering if they’ll charge us for moving furniture as they do with transmog.

I don’t care, I want it lol. Them Azeroth houses be SOLD if I’m around

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Keeps it exciting. Would be pretty boring if you got all the house stuff at once. Gimme my house daddy blizz

Ew gross, I hope it’s not like Dragon Age lol. The decorating was severely limited and really ugly lol. Don’t you jinx us!!

Doesn’t take very long to do anything on this game anymore since almost every type of grind has been removed by player request.

So yes, I do have a life outside of WoW.

I hope it’s a gold sink, since I’m casual these days I don’t do much with my gold but buy transmogs every so often, and I’m running out of transmogs I want that I can actually purchase on the AH, so mainly I just sit on my gold doing absolutely nothing with it except making more (which is kind of fun but I’d rather have something to do with it)

i just hope they wont charge 1 million gold for a house lmao

You’ve never had any home construction done, have you? Oh, you meant in game, sorry.

I don’t know how you’d time gate something like player housing.

It’s going to be an expansion feature. Likely similar to Dragonriding/Skyriding. They didn’t ‘heavily timegate’ that now did they?

Most likely to get a house with no furniture.

I prefer a pandaren bed instead of a dirty bed made out of hay.

Hopefully we’ll get to snuggle under our covers and :sleeping:.

we will unlock it all eventually so what difference does timegating at release make?

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What’s the inverse of a silver lining? A rusty lining?

Who cares if housing is time gated? All that matters is if we get something other than Garrisons 2.0. If so, real housing can be as time gated as it wants (Initially lol).

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