That’s why I’m saying if.
It’d be nice to have good housing in this game. I paid a few hundred bucks for a large mansion in Shirogane. It’s fun to gloat it over other people who don’t have a house, just like in real life.
Sure, but only when Microsoft takes real control over AB will we be able to see what it’s capable of doing, and even then, his role isn’t the same as Yoshida’s when it comes to making decisions about the game.
We always have these types of patches at some point in any expansion.
“for likes the colors” I personally enjoy the dye system, and half of what people saw wow it seems bad to me because few transmog really match properly in color in color, “if it’s a very similar golden color, but it’s not the same” type of thing.
Let’s not all pretend the FF14 houses are any good to begin with. Assuming there’s even a plot available, if you somehow get lucky and have the cash to get one, you’re roped in with keeping your sub active. Thought you could take a 2 months break? Nope.
well not really because i have no interest in playing house. however if we all know what blizzard is good at, is that they love adding all these items, like mounts, pets cosmetics and so on to everything. and player housing will not be an exception to this thus making it mandatory to do for anyone that collects anything and got no interest in player housing.
and player housing is going to fix this? lol give me a break. the 5 people that want it will log in, call out to their mom to come and see their “custom house” she will say “nice my baby” pat them on the head and the rest of us will force ourselves to do it for the collector rewards.
If you are not interested why are you discussing it
Player housing isn’t going to save the game, but adding it will make it better for people who want it.
While making everyone else hate it for directly causing less content for what they do like.
I would agree, thought they didn’t age well with how impossible it is to do them now. Something mechagon or Nzajatar doesn’t have a problem with.
Bozja was definitely fun with it’s boss mechanism. Much funner than the ZM zerg.
Didn’t really include them with open world content but probably should have. I would still say ZM is better then because there’s more to do than just rare farming, at least doing the puzzles and hidden loot piles was interesting. Best XIV had were bunny boxes in Eureka
If this is a constant thread topic, I won’t consider only 5 players asking for it…there’s a huge player base.
Also, I don’t see any comment about WoW Engine vs FF14 Engine, WoW is really old spaguethi code from 2004 and FF14 really feels like a console game because it was created for consoles too, I really don’t like that FF14 has a lot of loading screens between maps and also there’s so many invisible walls.
So like open world players right now upset mythic keeps hogging all the resources for a minority of players? Except they all quit en masse.and now here we are talking damage control.
i am discussing it because wow is my game to. and as someone that has been here since beta and seeing every input into the game both bad and good i feel like my voice has validation as much as any other persons on these forums.
i am not here to argue. dont get mad because someone disagrees with you about a certain topic or addition to the game.
you are on the “general DISCUSSION” forums in case you were unaware.
point blank with no reserves. player housing will serve as nothing more than a glorified inn. the only people that want are people that either:
A. are trolling
B. legit roleplayers
C. people that are trying to make wow something it is not and never will be
as long as i die hardily play this game i will be an avid opinionated person against player housing as i feel with my time spend on this game and the accounts and toons i have amassed over the years, the content consumed both good and bad, not to mention every die hard wow player that i spoke to in game, that player housing will be a big waste of developer time and hands down the worst addition added to wow.
no arguing, just pointing out why i think it is a bad idea and if you dont get it then you are not a die hard wow player. sorry not sorry.
so go to FF14 and stop trying to bring their trash engine and additions to wow. if player housing is sooooooooooooo great and FF14 has it why are you not over there.
WoW pivoted itself to be an e-sport MMO hybrid because they rightfully know that with their ancient tech, they have no prayer of competing against competitors forever (and indeed have even lost the number 1 MMO status to FFXIV). They’re betting and banking on having spent enough time to thoroughly hook enough casual whales to string along and keep the game alive for the “elite” they actually build the game for now in hopes of riding the golden goose until every last golden egg is crapped out of it.
If WoW actually respected and catered to their actual financial majority, the solo casual, player housing would be their number 1 priority because it is literally content that can span the entirety of WoW. There is so much room and potential for stuffing house stuff in every nook and cranny of the world. That old rep? You can buy a knick knack for your house from them. This random rare? Who knew it contained a unique dye you could apply to a rug that can drop from a dungeon boss in the zone.
Loggers and proggers? Sure some may get into playing with their house but mainly they exist to log and prog and anything they do in the game is to boost their output so they can better log and prog. They’re worthless as customers otherwise and actively harmful to the casual world community, but the game exists, first and foremost, for them so until WoW has a total management purge and new leaders who value the solo casual over the elite tryhard and their wannabe ilk, it’ll always be a backburner item at best.
And that’s the problem with your argument: It’s not about the game itself, it’s about you. You have made it about you.
The least you could do when you’re trolling is put forth an effort. This is kind of pathetic.
I didn’t mention it to you, also why are you attacking me? I was clarifying an aspect that hasn’t been mention why it’s more difficult to implement somethings on WoW compared to FF14 and the difference between both games engines, you can’t change WoW engine without doing almost a new game. I even mentioned why i don’t like FF14 but you just take my comment and start attacking, that’s why some players take your comments as just trolling instead of valid feedback.
^ This. It is funny how people like the OP and those FFXIV fanpeople are so blinded and always needs to come to the WoW forums to try and talk up their lame MMO here. No clue why they can’t just stay on their own forums but they always need WoW players attention for some reason.
Just to add, FFXIV raids are horrible. You are basically in a circle/square with everything outside of it darkened out. There is 0 immersion and you don’t even use the room. This is yet another reason why WoW’s raids dominate the mmo market. They use the rooms.
Fully agree about FFXIVs dungeons too. They are a major joke and not even fun. I remember the main last one for the story (before hitting max level where you get that robot flying mount) it was 90% RP and 10% of actually doing anything. One of the worst dungeons I have ever seen. Not only that, it took forever because you couldn’t skip the RP.
Truthfully, it’s probably bc the devs are on the side of player housing being a waste of development time and not something they want to do or even care about. Despite what GD will claim, there are a lot of us who agree with that sentiment.
Because despite FFXIV’s shortcomings, it does a lot of things right and, despite what you may believe, there is probably a lot of crossover between the two games in terms of player base that people want to see implemented in WoW.
There’s nothing wrong with saying “Hey, this game does a lot of things right. Why can’t WoW?” Competition is what begets improvement.
Are people forgetting that while FFXIV does have player housing, because of limited availability only a small % of the game population even can get a house?
I’m not mad, but it seems that you are. I just don’t understand the criticism of the request to add a system that has been asking for years
I’m certainly not a “die hard wow player”, I’m a storydriven gamer, not by dungeons and raids
I understood that this is an MMORPG, rpgs are not limited to mechanical aspects of combat, all successful rpgs have been successful because of their story and worlds, and of course the most forgotten aspects of this game are those aspects, not the mechanical part of MMOs. So the claim of these aspects seems very legitimate to me, while the rejection is simply silly and selfish.
well i have been interested in warcraft since w3, when i came to wow it was for the “world” of warcraft, not the dungeons and raid, for me and many others like me the world is as important as any dungeon or raid , and has been categorically neglected and abused over the years far more than any other aspect of the game.
Clearly raids and dungeons are important, and I don’t want raiders to have a bad time in the game, but I think we should all put a little of ourselves to make the game better and be able to accept that our favorite content is not the only one valid.
After expansions and expanders of sitting alone in dungeons and raids, is it really bad that people ask and spend time on other aspects?
RP players and storydriven players among others are no less players than endgame players.