Player housing update - possible?

It’s not the first time I wrote that up, it’s not even the second or third time… It’s been shot down more times than I could count.

I’m sorry to hear that, because it’s very creative thinking. But some people are very anti-housing (I think garrisons have left a bad taste for many people and some players just dislike the idea in general). The thing about gaming aspects such as this is that it needs to be set up to be entirely voluntary and to have no impact on any active aspect of gaming. That way those who like it can do it and those who don’t care about it won’t need to.

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I like the idea of updating the hub cities and creating instanced neighborhoods. Kinda like a mini server that has about 100-200 houses for example that you purchase one and its yours. Like a trophy room. Unless people are part of your group or a granted access list, they only see the exterior. Please don’t plant your shrubbery in the shapes of dongs. I’m thinking along the lines of how LoTRO did it back before they were free-to-play and the game was actually fun.

*** I’m more in favor of apartments instead of actual houses when it comes to cities like Ironforge

That makes them go right back to where they started, you know. You mean 180.

Possibly :sunglasses: I probably should have said “an about face” which is a 180 in effect.

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They should test the waters with a guild hall first, tbh.
I’m sure they don’t want to risk a Garrison 2.0

I would love a customizable guild hall

I never liked the guild hall suggestions. Not everyone plays in a super active guild. If anything it’d make sense to do it the other way around. Player housing and then guild halls sometime after.

Garrison 2.0 is easy to avoid. Don’t try to force it to be part of the main game progression. Let it be completely optional like pet battles and transmog.

I wouldn’t be against this, but I think adding housing items to every other profession to breathe new life into them would be a better choice. Add new recipes for classic and through all the expansions and you instantly have hours of content for people to mess with.


Actually, there is also an option to buy an apartment, which is significantly cheaper (500k gil), and there is a much greater supply. Look for the large high-rise building in each housing district, that’s where the apartments are.

That means nothing.

Depending on the person interviewed, that is a response they’ve given before. It in no way means we are closer to having player housing or that it is more likely to happen.

posted 2008-9-01Tom Chilton: "Is there a feature in another MMO that you admire and would like to see in WoW? Sure! Right now, for example, we don’t have a housing system. Other MMOs have it and it’s a system that we’ve talked about since before the launch of the original WoW. We’ve talked about housing and how we’d do it and how it might work for at least five years.

posted 2006-10-02Nethaera: “The word is that we like the idea of player housing and would like to implement it at some point in the future, however we don’t have any particular ETA of when we will. There is a laundry list of things we still would like to add to World of Warcraft and this is just one of them.”

posted 2004-07-15Katricia: "Guild Halls will most likely not be implemented before World of Warcraft is released. They are very similar to Player Housing (which also will not make the release).
Both Player Housing and Guild Halls will be implemented as soon as possible after release.

Yes and they’re less than half as big as the smallest actual house’s interior and have no exterior to decorate / use (gardening and such).

Bliz housing would prob end up being Garrisons 2.0 with the lack of gathering areas and just limited housing designs that you can only pick out of the 5 diff styles.

After its done bliz would be wondering why the players disliked the " new housing" system and how players didn’t respond on beta. :roll_eyes:

I hope they allow you to pick any town/city to have your home at not just one common spot.

Wow, quote from 2004. You think might just be a chance that the people have changed since then, and attitudes and opinions on the subject might also have changed, along with such things a server power, computing improvements, equipment improvements, etc and so forth?

And Wowiki is not the ultimate resource to quote imo, but anyhow. And I believe it does, way, mean we are a lot closer to player housing than we were in 2004.

I think that’s so unlikely as to be nearly impossible. If they learned anything from WoD, it was the problems with garrisons.

its called Elder Scrolls Online.
FAR better game and you can have tons of houses.
you can even get them free by using the crowns you get for being subbed. Save them up like Im doing till you can buy a mondo house.
a big player house furnished is 8000 crowns or so.
you get 1650 a month free for being subbed.
Wont take but a few months till you can buy a huge player house.


However, what I was showing was that a Blizzard rep has made a positive response about housing quite a few times (in the vein of what the OP quoted.)

No such responses meant that “housing was on the way.” Well, unless you look at some of the later ones before “Garrisons.”

So they could “still be thinking about how to do it”, for the NEXT 14 years.

If you were like me, buying original Wow partially BECAUSE of what Katricia said about housing going in after release, then all of this might be somewhat of a sore point.

Yes they could be. Yet the reason I made the post was that they answered in the positive at all. They could simply have said something like “we’ve looked at it and it’s not something we are considering at this stage”. I guess they know us players and making even a small positive can get people excited. I just found the fact that they’d left the door ajar even a little on the possibility was interesting.

Thanks for the info.

In my opinion, everyone (players) who asks for player housing (in the forums) wants something different.

  • It isn’t worth Blizzard doing, unless they can please at least half the players. If they want thousands of forum posters “hating”, they can just do nothing.

  • It also isn’t worth it unless at least 20% of players will actually use it. It’s a lot of development if only 3% of players use it, after the frst 2 weeks.

So (in my opinion) Blizzard has never been “opposed to” the idea. They just haven’t solved those problems yet.

Just code for NO we are not doing player housing, but we will let you think we are, now go away.

Well I don’t have much to refer back to when it comes to player housing but if they decide to solicit feedback you can bet I will provide it.

One thing I know I would not be okay with is monthly fees. I pay that in real life for my home, need the fantasy version.

Just look at a system of player housing like Wildstar, and base it off that.

Makes me wonder how many people are into the full use of the battle pet system across the game. Its a pretty extensive piece of programming - making all those different pets tameable, putting in pet battles and pet WQs and pet dungeons and events. Yet I know many of the people I play with hardly ever even look at pets, beyond what they might get for them to sell on the AH.

I think any aspect of the game is studied to see its interest, and I guess its difficult to tell how popular it would be. I wonder if they had any significant idea of the interest in battle pets before they launched it.