Player Housing open letter

They can handle it 100%.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Player housing could actually make use of a lot of old assets and would add such a huge amount of content for time played metrics.

Players could spend time crafting/selling/buying furniture. This could also involve a new carpentry profession to level and gather for.

Players could spend time grinding rep in order to buy a home in that factions region.

Players could spend time grinding old dungeons and raids for kill trophies and furniture drops (Arthasā€™s throne from ICC, pillows from Black Temple, artwork and vases from MoP dungeons, etc.)

Players could spend time getting music roll drops all over the place like we did for the garrison.

Players could grind gold or other resources to expand or put additions onto their homes.

Players could spend time doing trading post activities to gather the tender to buy housing items off of the trading post.

Players could spend grinding rep in places where their quartermaster now also sells thematically appropriate furniture items.

Itā€™s pretty much the biggest time sink ever for the players who enjoy these systems.


Thank you very much for you are a valued member of the WoW community. Indeed the replay value is unmatched when it comes to player housing. Only transmog tops it IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Itā€™s called a Garrison. Itā€™s been in the game for almost 10 years. No one cares it didnā€™t live up to your expectations.

Garrisons are not player housing, just like the farm is not player housing. Garrisons were never advertised to be player housing and Blizzard has never called them that as well. Now if you want to use it as your own personal player housing have it but it is not player housing.


Most of these have been debunked already, but we wouldnā€™t expect ChatGPT to understand anything newer than 2021.

  1. Standing in the current hub is not social atmosphere.
  2. The system will only be as robust as Blizzard deems.
  3. Inequality would not exist, as it should not cost anything to enter the housing system, maybe only to get larger houses, if that.
  4. Dev priorities might have already been assigned, and they could already be working on it.
  5. Games should stop tying every new thing with the current expansion narrative, since that prevents them from doing things that players would enjoy, and gives us things like Azerite Traits.

But my favorite part, in a thread contradicting player housing is this:

No player housing, but letā€™s add Guild Halls. lol clown AI


No thanks. Keep this crap out of my game.

Garrisons arenā€™t player housing. Goofballs that think thatā€™s what player housing is has never seen player housing, which exists in basically every other big MMO out there. Hell, Iā€™ve played MUDs that have player housing, and those mostly didnā€™t even have graphics. Itā€™s embarrassing Blizzard is so trash at even the most basic systems.

I wasnā€™t going to; itā€™s a troll post with images.

Chat GPT doesnā€™t even know which is larger 9.1 or 9.9 and you expect me to give a damn about anything it says?


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority but I really liked my Garrison. Player housing could simply be like that, just more customizable.

The Alliance garrison was really nice but the Horde one was trash. Okay, not that bad but the Alliance one feels more like a small town where as Horde side I am just trying to keep my peons from freezing to death.

ok thatā€™s very true. Imagine a blood elf out thereā€¦

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or esoā€¦common use instanced housesā€¦
they could be sold in the wow shop.

I like BDO better, because you can purchase a house using a different type of currency, I forgot what it was exactly called, but was earned by playing the game.

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contribution points?

Yeah, thatā€™s it. Been too long since I last played it.

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I like how this is basically the same as the housing in Club Penguin (I will never forgive Disney for shutting it down)

I would be happy with a garrison could be upgraded through quests each expansion.

Might not have been advertised as such but garrisons were player housing. It was a rested area, slightly customizable, and even had its own heath. It was the place 99% of players went before they logged out in that xpac. If that was not player housing then nothing is.