Player Housing Locations

I really hope they pick a location in EVERY zone where you can have your player house. Like you get to walk out the front door and see your favorite area from an overlook.

I want a cabin in Winterspring. Walk out to a winter wonderland and go back inside to a cozy fire. Vast wilderness covered in snow and sooo quiet. My inner nerd is showing.

Where would you like your player housing to be if you were able to pick? What would your view be?


A floating rock in Nagrand with a giant “Trespassers will be shot” sign.


I’m opening a brothel


Did you not read the article?


really going for that ban are ya?

also mine would be the castle in howling fjord.


Love to have an underground location. Later on in Ironforge. Later on than that, Hallowfell or Ringing Deeps.

I hope they finally open Gilneas for the Worgen. Poor guys lost two homes.


if they implemented housing i doubt they would let people set up in capital cities since most of those buildings contain important npcs. wouldnt want the players to cause phasing issues by setting up in those shops.

I believe they’re starting just with Elwynn and Durotar? Or at least those will be the aesthetics, if not the physical location.


The best way is to make housing communities as instances. SW Galaxies let you build in open places and it just filled up the area.

instances would probably be best yes.

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Seriously… how many of you have not read the article? lol


The replies aren’t surprising. Or unexpected. Just on the left-hand side of the curve is all.

Housing will offer hundreds and hundreds of decorations and house customizations via in-game rewards but will also offer a smaller number of items in the cash shop as well. This is comparable to how transmogs and pets are currently handled in game versus the shop. We want to allow players to have as many options as possible for creating their perfect home in Azeroth.

am I the only one who sees this and immediately starts to worry.

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I’ve read it…if you’re griping about where people want to have their house then just realize this is a speculation thread. Unless there’s something else?

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well because if you read it…youll realize more than likely blizzard isnt going to allow you to put it in literally any zone in the game. the article seems to heavily imply its going to be very limited on where they can be placed.

Putting it bluntly, zones are a lot of work. We’d much rather do a great job with a small number of zones than do a passable job on a large number (or come up with solutions that take the player out of the world into their own personal instance of a zone). We chose these as our starting points because of how iconic they are for their respective factions and how much they feel like home to so many players already.

so yeah if you guys were expecting places like the middle of nagrand…bottom of vashjir, the tree stump in grizzly hills…the top of mt neverest…PREPARE TO BE DISAPPOINTED.


I did after you said that. Unfortunate but I can hope for future iterations.

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It feels like that housing is going to be the same as character creation or the rostrom for you mount. Click…choose an option…little options unless you unlock other options but still feels generic. I was hope for a Fallout 4, Valheim, Conan type building where I could spend an unhealthy amount of time building but…it doesn’t feel that way.

The sad part is…I fully expect Blizzard to screw it up…


yeah and im saying the options as in the article states its going to be limited to certain zones. your not going to be able to just place it any zone you want. its whatever zones they have done and in the spots they have selected basically.

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