Player Housing Finally Coming To WoW!

World of Warcraft’s Next Expansion Finally Adding Player Housing After 20 Years of Requests by Fans. Which will be included in the World of Warcraft: Midnight expansion, the game’s next expansion planned for a full reveal in late summer of 2025.

Your thoughts?


Have been posted already in one of the other dozen threads going on this subject.


Didn’t like the other post with 400+ replies on this topic?


WE HAD it…You jsut are confused as to “What it was” and "What is coming :slight_smile:
Your Garrison was your house, is your house. That’s what we will get . A plot, a predetermined house with a predetermiend exterior layout. It will have some internal options on furniture, fire place, placements. A chest that will be a direct link to your bank, an NPC you can hire or quest for to clean, a daily quest, and a few interactive displays with predetermined options.

This is Blizzard…there won;t be any full on customization. It is as “out of the box” as they can make it. While I would like to choose between a multitide fo external and internal layouts, place trophys where ever, chests segregated from my bank or inventory, this won’t be the case. Not a naysayers, just a realist. Cost is the issue and always has been. Paying a team to design a format that works with the existing client, that allows player placement and manipulation of items on the “world”, isn’t in the cards

Still, I do hope they address pets in it as well as allow upgrades for several floors, which IS a thing that wouldn;t be difficult to code…but that doesn’t mean they did :wink:

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Hopefully it wont be just a garrison 2.0. Ill stay cautiously optimistic

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I hope the house has place able furniture and like statues, and we can wallpaper/paint etc.
But who knows how wow is going to handle it?

If it looks like the short video they posted, it’ll be a waste of resources.

I’d rather see new specs for old classes, like a Shaman Tank.

Imma keep asking Blizz.

Also: Cutie Marks for Draenei. Make it happen.

Tell me you don’t know anything about player housing without telling me.

It doesn’t. This was already covered in the interviews.

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not letting myself be excited about it. it might very well be a forgettable nothing burger doomed to be forgotten “quick”.

i’ll see when i see it.

i wonder how they’ll make it relevant. if i think about hideouts in poe, they are only used because you trade there and your maps start there. not sure how much use it’d see without the “utility”.