Player housing and you think you want it

Found Xal’atath’s alt.


I been seeing the option of being able to change the size of structures and if I can make them tiny then I am controlling my Devilsaur to go full Gojira mode all over my mini stormwind house!

No it isn’t. I’ve wanted it since 2012, when Rift implemented housing. And then I wanted it even more after SWTOR implemented it in 2014. And then wanted to know why Blizz was so far behind, when Wildstar had it in 2017.


i agree with your post, very well-stated.

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It’s garrisons 2.0 like it was always going to be. WoW’s engine has a particularly hard time placing objects in the world.

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I hear the best way to get the juice out of the meat is with your feet, just like grapes.

I thought it was burger king foot lettuce and not taco bell foot tacos.

Btw housing in WoW isn’t so much a “you think you want it but you don’t” thing as it is a “you think you’ll get what you want but you won’t” kind of thing.


Should also say, garrisons ARE the reason housing took so long. Players got pissy about a feature that derailed the dev cycle and tanked the whole expansion. So much work wasted, it’s not surprising they’d abandon that idea for years and years after.

Were garrisons the FIRST case of big features and systems getting trashcanned rather than taking the time to make it work?

Got to give Blizz credit here for thinking outside the box. I mean come on. Human vs orc for housing theme. Where in Draenor have I heard this before.

Give me a freakin’ break with this safe space for devs nonsense.

No pity for the devs, garrisons sucked. But they completely missed the reason it/WoD sucked and assumed nobody really wanted housing after that.

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It should have came out like a decade ago, I expect very little and think in the end it’ll add less value to the game than some other things that could be worked on.

Expectations are high and the new “info” is to keep things… more in check with what they can realistically do.

I’m happy for the people that want this and it could be implemented well… but I just have a feeling Blizz won’t and are looking at “features” in this game as potential dollar signs instead of what they should be focusing on.

Bit of a catch-22

Without profit, there will be no game for players to play
With no player demands being met, there’ll be no players to give revenue for the company


I agree with the OP and Splints. The main reason why we won’t be getting the kind of housing players (RPers mostly) have in mind is that the current engine doesn’t allow us the level of in-depth customization most other MMOs have.

Freedom of object placement and a dye system with access to all 16.7mil colors would require a complete engine rewrite/revamp. But every time I bring up talk about the engine, others come in and be like, "the engine gets updated all the time! "

The mentioned additions can’t just be patched in.

Except it’s not. Like… at all. lol

No it doesn’t. Noblegarden eggs are free placement objects.

Already exists in WoW.

The engine doesn’t get “patched.” It gets upgraded with new tech.

People want what they dont have and dont want what they have

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I’m not that into it BUT I am super happy for the community, it’s been a major ask for a long time.

You could hand out free gold bars to this community, and folks would still complain it was too heavy to carry.



The extent to which they decide to go for profit will effect the player base. I’d gather there has been quite the uptick in “store” expenditures this expansion. There is money to be had for very little effort.

This demand is being met fairly late in the game to be honest. I look at it more as too little too late.

Toys are not permanent objects either.
Sure they can hack around it by giving those objects a long duration.
Sure they can hack around it further by having objects automatically re-place themselves.
Sure they can hack around it even more by keeping things loaded even when the player is not in their house.

But that’s a lot of ugly hacks needed to make this thing work and we still haven’t come close to a point where you can put an egg on top of another egg. Or a table.

There will be a lot of complaints because WoW players hate WoW.