"Player Etiquette Threads" A breakdown

OP escalated his thread quickly and has turned into a popcorn show.


It’s a hell of a popcorn show too.

I can’t figure out what i said that was so bad. Please assist me on this.

Suggesting you’ll be guild or realm blacklisted for taking a node or chest out from someone is hyperbole as hell. If someone is willing to go out of their way to do that, they’re probably a sociopath. The majority of people will /spit and move on.

If you ninja gear from a raid or a high level dungeon, yeah expect to be kicked from the group/guild and potential ousted to the rest of your server, but I imagine most people who do this are either stupid, or have a plan (already have another guild ready to join, etc.)


The behavior stacks up. I never said that taking a node will do this. It’s a good way to get 1 specific person to dislike you. Do it to enough people and word spreads.

I’ve had countless nodes stolen from me over the years. Not one of them would I be able to tell you their name 10 minutes later.


OP wants no changes and is so hardcore about it, that he/she is now forcing his/her beliefs down upon others.

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This thread gives me mixed feelings about the community. On one hand I think the OP was made from a good place, it’s all common sense courtesy and if you play like that you will certainly be sure to pick up a few more friends than you would otherwise.

People seem to think the end justifies the means though, I’ve always tried to stay out of other players’ way for the most part or help if I can. Stealing a node they’re fighting on for instance just seems like common sense, I mean how bad do I need one node?

I like how you think, OP. If classic was full of people like that, I’d be less intimidated by the “community” aspect, to be sure. I’ll certainly be on my best behavior. Probably more willing to speak to others. It’s one of the things that retail just simply doesn’t need anymore, interaction. Why not keep those interactions positive.

I will say if the enemy faction is present it might be okay to grab their node or whatever, but that depends on how deep into RP (or obviously PvP) you are among other things. :wink:


Where is the force i am pushing? You are making up villains now m8.

100% my point by this thread. It just just advice on how to play with others that hasn’t existed for upward to 10 years in the game.

These people in this thread are feeling as if im attacking them. I really have no idea how the thread got like this. Kind of amusing though when you step back.


I tried being the “nice guy” in vanilla and it was a miserable experience where I was taken advantage of constantly.

Dont let people fool you, the same ones pushing this “etiquette” agenda are the ones who will stab you in the back the moment a Rivendare Charger or Binding drops.


You caught onto me. I have been found out.

The “every weapon is a hunter weapon” meme didn’t come from nowhere

My hunter actually has 30 valnyr frags in the bank.

The significantly shortened attention span of the modern Wow player cannot make sense of the OPs comments. For people that have played a long time understand the game has gotten progressively more toxic. I am super curious to see who the people will be who can live through the pain of the freakishly slow leveling of Classic. How will they treat each other? Will be an interesting experiment. Will the jerks who make it to 60 think they have earned the right to be jerks or will the penalty for bad behavior be too high when you dump that much time into a character?


Is it really so hard to believe that people will or should be nice to each other? I made more “friends” in early BC (they’ve all long quit) than I did in all previous expansions combined, and it was partially or entirely due to things like frost nova’ing a mob when the rogue pulled aggro (it was a group of friends, they all had a laugh that I saved him). I even got stalked once because I was nice enough to talk to someone extensively who apparently didn’t have any other friends and insisted on talking to me every time I logged on. :roll_eyes: I’m a “nice guy” (my fiancee tells me this constantly) IRL though, so it’s not hard for me to extend that to this game.

I’ll be at the RP server, imo they usually have the best community even if they don’t push content.


People will go to general classic forums asking about paid character transfers. All of the people who where just covered in muck hopped servers fast when they came out.

Hopefully they will have RP-PVP servers, not just RP. West/East coast major PVP servers always turn into trash heaps. Tichondrius was the worst.

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Really feel you on the RP-PvP, it would be a nice option and I’ve never liked pure PvP servers when I played them with my friends. Everyone just seemed a lot jerkier, my apologies to anyone from a PvP server I’ve known many fine PvPers and I used to do it myself.

I wonder if Actiblizz is going to give us the old snowballs back with the knockdown effect. The tram trolling was so much fun.

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I can’t wait until you can MC people off boats again. That was a great time.

I’m not suggesting players not be nice and courteous to each other, just that the things that will get you reprimanded as seriously as the OP suggested are very obvious things for the most part. If you end up getting blacklisted by all the guilds on your server you most likely know exactly what you did.

The OP makes it sound like if you cut someone off in traffic everyone else in traffic is going to block you in and prevent you from going anywhere. No, you get honked at, maybe flipped off, and everyone moves on.


It hasn’t gotten more toxic. It was simply allowed for players to be undermining and dirty towards any other player at any time in earlier years in order to get what they wanted and to take the lead in progression from doing so.

It was only the advent of the heavily PC stance Blizz took over the past several years that put these players under a bad light when it was those same players who were most likely the most diehard fans of the game.

Don’t try and make us feel bad for how we want to play. If that means you and I am taken advantage of because the game allows for it, so be it.

They’ll treat other players however they will treat them. Let feelings be hurt and move on. If someone’s nice, alright, cool. Take it as it comes. Just don’t fall apart if another player dose something sketchy and leaves you in the dirt with nothing to show.

It’ll happen. To all of us.