Player done with Retail. Seeks a Server / Guild

Lemme start off by saying i appreciate anyone who replies to this with helpful information. I have been playing retail for so long. The community on there is too toxic and i can’t do it no more.

Currently dont have a server selected. I am willing to play either Alliance or Horde for the right guild. I just wanna have fun play with some new friends. Also actually feel the progression. Please lemme know if anyone’s guild is recruiting. Please leave info about your guild and its history.

Hey, our guild Godhand(A)(Pagle), is recently formed and currently recruiting. We left retail for a lot of the same reasons.

We will be raiding Fri-Sat 2000-2330(ET)

Our focus isnt on the “perfect runs only”. We want to give people an adequate and fun experience in raiding. That being said. Players are expected to be on time. Show up with the necessities and be willing to learn/adapt.

Goals are

Immortal/undying titles
All the glory of the raider achievements
Completing both legendary weapons
H LK 25 kill.

If you have any questions. Let me know here or PM me Primarch#1752

Hello! If you’re starting “fresh” on classic, the fresh servers are likely a better option. Check out our recruitment post and see if we’d be a good fit for you!

You didn’t say what class you want to play, But Why Male Models on Faerlina is looking to add a few more dps. While new to the server we’re definitely not new to wow. Having lead a guild to US 100 in retail we def know how to run a guild through the expacs with little toxicity. I hope you’ll want to drop in an app. Raid days are Tuesday & Thursday 8-12am est.

Hello, <Offline> on Pagle-US is a closely-bonded guild of experienced players who have been raiding together for years. We are currently on hiatus until WotLK, but we are recruiting all classes and roles in preparation for the expansion. We will raid 2 nights a week at 9:00PM - 12:00AM EST, Wednesday and Thursday. We use an EPGP loot system to distribute gear. We are an affable semi-casual raiding guild who understand things like work, family, pets and events take priority over the game. We are looking for like minded players who would like to join us in having fun progressing through this nostalgic content.

If you have any questions about <Offline> or would like to apply, please contact Niceperson, Seitekii, Gnosës, Healgazm, Xarxes, or Magìkarp in-game. We will be happy to help. We wish you the best of luck in your guild search!