Playable Snake Race?

I personally would really love if I could play as the snake race, the ones that fight against the foxes.

I always loved their designs and enjoyed the story surrounding them, however they were never made playable. I understand I may be one of the only people thinking this but I would love to see it get made.

Am I the only one who thinks this way, or do you (reader) agree?



It’s a pretty popular choice among people that pine for new Allied races.

I could take them or leave them.

I’d rather see something like Tuskkar or Jinyu/Hozen be playable. Maybe Saberon.


I’m still shocked we got Mechagnomes over Sethrak.



People have wanted Mechagnomes since Wrath, Blizz just gave us the wrong kind. I WAS shocked that we didn’t get Sethrak too though, but hopefully there’s a chance they’ll be neutral now if we ever do get them.

I’m not.

And in spite of their terrible transmog choices, their racials are pretty stellar.

One of my guild members has committed to making every character a Mecha for every class that can be one.

Pretty sure Blizzard doesn’t ever want to go the “Pandaren” route with races ever again.

Which faction are Dracthyr locked to again?


If you’re interested in playable Sethrak, there is a Sethrak megathread that supports them being playable. You can find the thread here:

Hoping to see more reptiles on that character creation screen, myself! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:


Maybe they could have gone with alliance sethrak and horde drust as the last bfa allied races.

One group, the Faithless, fought them, and that was a completely minor plot detail over them having vulpera slaves. The two races are not natural enemies despite people insisting otherwise.

Have you not seen the sethrak megathread or the 4+ years of ongoing demand for the race? Specifically on the Alliance because Alliance posters and enablers are still dead set on believing that the sethrak were bequeathed to the Alliance and then ripped away from us when that was never the case.

One was foreshadowed as early as 8.0, then a few patches later got a dedicated zone, a mega-dungeon, and a prequel comic, and was instrumental in making sure Mekkatorque would survive his ordeal at Dazar’alor. They were also clearly designed with playability in mind.

The other was a race that the Horde PC spent 2 hours fighting alongside and against while the Alliance PC came to their land, helped one group and hindered the other, and after setting up their foothold went back to Kul Tiras in the span of 15 minutes. They were also clearly designed only for NPC use.

Not sure where this idea came from that the Horde should’ve gotten a race of warmongers from a cursed realm in the Shadowlands that hates them as much as they hate the Alliance, the Kul Tirans, and the people of Ardenweald, but after seeing it being paraded a few times, it doesn’t get any more logical.

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No, Sethrak had a full set of player only animations, including one for the various Heart of Azeroth cut scenes. Until it was announced that BfA allied races were finished I fully expected the final patch to give Alliance Sethrak and Horde Lightforged Undead.

Why shocked?

I get that sethrak are cooler, but mechagnomes are a fleshed out offshoot of an existing core race, which follows the general trend of allied races.

Also, sethrak never had appropriate facial animations or geosets for gear rigging. The vulpera did, which is why their inclusion was one of WoW’s worst kept secrets over a year before they finally made the cut.

The sethrak were always a pipe dream. Albeit a really awesome pipe.

I would love sethrak

I thought we were already getting Sethrak, but with wings.

If they’re reskins of fem worgen like people claim, they’re going to have worgen animations, so that’s irrelevant. Given the whole “massive head that would look ridiculous in most or all helmets” thing that would require the slot being completely omitted mechagnome-style, the fact that sethrak NPCs don’t wear armor that can be used by players, and their models being androgynous back before the body type name change, I’m sticking with my belief that Blizzard never intended to do anything more with them.

I doubt I’d be able to find the link at this point, but the HoA animation was unique.

Similar to the animations, back during BfA someone posted screenshots of how helmets looked on Sethrak (might’ve been using wowhead’s dressing room tool? not sure) and they were fine. A little unusual with the massive exposed neck, but otherwise acceptable. I’d be fine with blocking the slot out too though, I always hide helmets anyway.

That is to be expected with a pure reptillian race, just like how male and female Dracthyr look the same in dragon form.

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Yes, please Sethrak for the Alliance.



You aren’t the only one. There were a lot of us asking for Sethrak during BFA. We got the foxes instead. Alliance players raised a ruckus claiming Horde bias and I was thinking “You can HAVE those furries. Give me the snakes.”

Why blizzard don’t give us Sethrak race playable​:broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: i was my dream character race to play.