Playable Sethrak Rally Event 10/17 and 10/18

Sounds good to me, I’ll never stop wanting to see the Sethrak join the Alliance. Blizz needs to see we still love the glorious sneks!


I will sadly be working both days.

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I shall be there on the WRA one!


You can be with us in spirit. :grin:

And well, you can always drop an in game suggestion for Sethrak! It’s under the Help Tab in the In Game Menu. It’s a great way to show support.


This feels like it was posted at least 2 weeks ago
I refuse to believe its only been 1

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Ugh, don’t remind me.

I hate this time of the year. The days start to drag and my seasonal depression decides to combine with my regular depression. To make this terrible super depression.

And my birthday is so close yet so far away. I just wanna eat sushi, run around as a Sethrak and pretend I’m not pushing 30. xD

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I feel you on that
Might be time for me to get my sad lamp out soon.

And i just hate the change of seasons in general. Its a reminder of the fact time is passing and how little you’ve done with your life.

Wow that got dark fast aha

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I have one of those! :rofl:

People joke at work that I am actually a snake cause I need sunlight and warmth. Or a plant.

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I feel you, it’s Jan/Feb for me.

Yeesh, quit making me feel so young.

I would love to do this.

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I considered taking mine to work but then I thought people might look at me funny.

So I just use it when I wake up and lay in bed for an hour.

If it helps you feel better, I’ll be 35 next March. Fun times… x- x

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle:

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I admire your early morning tenacity. I do not have that kind of strength. I’m a goblin in the mornings. XD

Hey now. xD For the longest time I was convinced I wasn’t gonna make it to 30, now I’m turning 28 in a few weeks and all I can think of is that I feel like a Mr. Meseeks.

Now if we can somehow manage to get at least 28 people to show up at the rally, that would be spectacular!


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got to leave for work at 8am so I wake up at 7am and get out of bed at 7:50 :stuck_out_tongue:

Or I did in a pre covid world.
Worked from home since March. Really cuts back on the commute

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Giving this a nudge, looking forward to the event!


I do hope there’s a good turnout.

And that my schedule remains open that day.


I will be elated if just 10 people show up to just one of the events. xD I’ll be giving an announcement in trade chat for both events as well. Since not every player uses the forums, twitter, reddit or facebook.

And I’m hoping that too!


Plan on attending the Horde one (or maybe both) if i can find the time for it! If i do, i’ll most likely join with Hella so i can bring my own costume with Glyph of Disguise.


Shimeji (Uther) says he’s dabbling in Astral Projection. I always thought it was electronic music, but I guess it’s a verb as well. :laughing: He goes by Shimejiemoto on WRA, and is planning on being at the rally. Big hugs if he sees you!

Wifey and I are going to celebrate our 14th anniversary on the previous Saturday and night, so I should be somewhat human by Sunday 1pm PST. Hopefully.


Thought I would mention there is a possibility the event will be postponed.

I was recently exposed to Covid. I’ll keep you all posted.

It all really depends if I test positive or not, and if I do how bad the symptoms might be on those days.

Here’s hoping for a negative! No one wants to be sick on their birthday!


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Big (virtual) hugs for you, Nadezhdha. Good luck with the test