Playable Sethrak Rally Event 10/17 and 10/18

I didn’t say you were either. ROFL

Should the rally be IKR across HQ everyone out there holding their IRL pet sethraks


Regardless of the outcome, I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication.

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A few of the allied races we have now, as well as the customizations for various races, were due to player feedback and hype. If Blizzard says they listen to their community, then it would behoove them to respond to these various community assemblies.

Shadowlands may not be /about/ Sethrak, but there are Sethrak characters in it. Just like how BFA wasn’t /about/ Void Elves, Lightforged, Mag’har Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves, Highmountain Tauren, or Nightborne, and yet BFA was when those were added as allied races. They were races made for Legion, added in BFA.

It’s actually MORE likely that Blizzard would add Sethrak in Shadowlands as a playable race, possibly in a later patch (like 9.1 or 9.2), because their story was done in BFA and now a new branch of their story can flourish via the players in Shadowlands and the things beyond.

Anyone that says different, or suggests ‘it’s never going to happen’ is just a big negative nancy that needs to go drink their milk and have a good sleepy-pie nap.


There is a single Sethrak in Shadowlands who hates being a Sethrak and loves being an Abomination.

I don’t think that’s exactly a jumping off point. Especially seeing as how we won’t be returning to Azeroth any time soon. So how in the word would the Sethrak factor into this expansion?

Remember how BFA was all about Kul Tiras/Zandalar and the fight between Alliance and Horde, and then 8.1 and 8.2 were TOTALLY off the rails from that, introducing nazjatar and all the nyalotha stuff?

Like, c’mon man, if I can’t help you see it, then there’s nothing else to be done except to agree to disagree.

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Did she actually dislike having been a Sethrak? I mean, you do you, Emeni.

But I guess I haven’t seen the dialogue yet, that implies she hated her former form. I was under the impression she chose the abomination form because it better suited her personality and desire for strength and power.

Now. I do get your point. But for whatever it is worth there is a good handful of other Sethrak npcs datamined for 9.0; there are a few with specific names, that are tied to her. Whatever that means. Most likely it may have to do with Emeni’s life as a Sethrak.

I know that does not point to playable Sethrak in Shadowlands. But I am fairly confident it is a nod to their popularity as a race and the lore of their race.

I honestly am not sure what the deal is here? While we’re speculating and hopeful, most of us are very aware that we are unlikely to see Sethrak become playable this coming expansion, given the setting. :woman_shrugging:

Still passionate and excited about the general possibility though. Of Sethrak becoming playable.

Never say never. Just watch them become playable this expansion, proving all of us wrong.

:snake: :crossed_fingers:


Yeah well you got space aids. Nasty goat.

BFA was BFA. It had a general theme and took place on Azeroth.

This expansion is Shadowlands.

Don’t get me wrong, I want playable Sethrak. A lot. I wanted them more than Vulpera. I just can’t see them happening anytime soon unfortunately. Anyways, if you guys do a rally or whatever, I might join in as well.


I have enough reflecting prisms in my bank on both factions to keep the rally covered, though others with some prisms would be appreciated so I can have help keeping us all transformed.

I’ll be present for both rallies.

Edit: Checked how many reflecting prism charges I have on both factions

Horde: 512
Alliance: 1495


Nah I got myself tested. Thanks for the concern though!

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Damn, I’ll try to make it. Birthday is on the 17/10. Sounds like a fun event. Thanks for organising.


I’ll bring some.

I’ll also attempt to supply at least one Sethrak form. Glyph of Disguise loves to bug out, so it might take me a couple attempts to successfully get to the embassies transformed.

Tested it out last night and it bugged out on me several times. Would lose the disguise buff when I’d mount or Hearth, but not every time.

So other rogues would be really helpful!

Sweet! My birthday is the following day. :grin: Hope you can make it!

You should! Even if you just drop in for 5-10 minutes. I would love the support. :heart:



Just realised it’ll probably be early morning in AU when it’s happening…


Oof. How early?

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I think it’ll be 6am.

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Yikes. That is pretty early. Especially for a weekend AND your birthday.

But I hope you can make it!


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This is the excuse I needed to create a toon on WRA. Shimeji the Vulpera has found a way to hop from realm to realm, called it “Pastoral Injection” or something weird like that. He goes by the name Shimejiemoto when he’s visiting Wyrmrest Accord. A bit odd, but whatever makes the little guy happy.
:man_shrugging: :grinning:

Tried out the sapping glyph in Voldun to see if the appearance would survive the wagon ride to the Embassy. Looks good to me. I’ll see you on 10/18!


this butters my biscuits


Sounds fantastic! :+1:

This’ll be one of the more interesting and exciting birthdays I’ve had in awhile. :joy: Usually I’m working or do nothing.

Celebrating with WoW and snake/Sethrak lovers is gonna be great. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: