I’d roll an Ogre Mage, Shadow Priest, Warrior, Hunter…
ect… really. There are a lot of classes I would like to see as an Ogre.
I’d roll an Ogre Mage, Shadow Priest, Warrior, Hunter…
ect… really. There are a lot of classes I would like to see as an Ogre.
I had wanted ogres and Naga for years. Originally those were going to be the races added in burning crusade. As I get older tho? Who cares. Ogres would be a nightmare to do right. If they are the right size, can’t fit through doors. If they shrink em a bit, they will be a laughing stock and a meme. Naga, it would be like the dracthyr. “Sweet. I can see 4 pieces of armor.” Good ideas in paper. In practice, it would be insane to get right without making it look like a slap in the face.
I’ll take it, considering Naga already have armor textures since their second overhaul in Legion. They just need dynamic tail animations and mount animations, honestly.
I was so disappointed with the earthen allied race reveal. There are so many other more interesting races on my wishlist including Naga (can give them 2 forms like dracthyr which i’d be cool with humanoid for mounting and showing off transmog mosnter form for combat), Sethrak, Ogres (thought i personally wouldn’t play one), Hell i’d want playable murlocs before a third dwarf style race.
We now have 3 types of elves, 3 types of dwarves, 2 types of humans, 2 types of gnomes & 2 types of tauren. Can we have something new pleeeeease???
I genuinely don’t want to give Blizzard a single chance at being lazy, no dual form. Straight up full Naga.
Aw geez, I already feel terrible about all the dark irons I killed before they joined up, now I’ll have ogre, and naga blood on my hands, I’m horrible! but seriously no wonder all our enemies are cartoonishly evil loners who talk to themselves primarily or haunt your dreams, otherwise we’d want them as playable races.
Wake me up when Oozelings become a topic for next race.
It’s all good, I’m sure they forgive you.
Too soon! You’ve awakened me too soon Kaanilna!
Ogres, I can see happening one day.
Naga? Nope. All Naga are enemies of both factions and it would be a pain making a tailed race with no legs playable. Transmog wotld be highly restricted on them too and after the Dracthyr backlash…
I agree! As a Diehard Alliance player since Warcraft 1, I would be very happy if the Horde got playable Ogres and the Alliance got nothing at all!
You will get your Naga and enjoy them, young man.
Yeah, Naga have no place in the Alliance. If the Alliance Needs more allied races, then its best to give us Titans or at least Titan Keepers
They’re more likely getting High Elves in Midnight.
I’ll accept Forest Trolls as an even addition.
You are not.
Having played a tauren for 15 years, I know how miserable playing an Ogre would be.
If they do add playable Ogres, they should lock the accounts of everyone who ever requested them, so that they can only play Ogres and nothing else.
Only if they let me talk in twice the amount of text bubbles and broken common.
I’d like to volunteer for this “punishment”
I already said it, it won’t be important for these earthen or much hype to the extent that they said it as an allied race coming from BfA itself, yeah… like the Darkiron dwarfs.
But it’s something, except that it’s a cringe and disgusting Drackthyr lizard people with a single class that doesn’t really fit into anything coming to Azeroth.
i want the dark vampire elves from that one thread lol
San’layn? You pretty much CAN already make them admittedly.