Playable Harronir Troll Race

I noticed you guys slipped in a hyper realistic dancing Harronir druid in the latest cinematic for upcoming The War Within expansion. She appeared right after the Earthen dude, who belongs to a playable race that everyone has mixed opinions on. What’s your opinions on playable Harronir?

My opinion is: yes, please, OMG. Neutral faction trolls would be neat, for our alliance allies. I seem to recall trolls chillin’ in SW harbor. I think SW could use some permanent residency for trollkind. I think we also REALLY need more druids. Harronir already seem to have more customization options than most races. IDK about the rest of you, but given all of that and the fact we see one in the cinematic, combined with the other fact that there still no official word on Harronir being a second allied race in TWW, I think this race has more than enough going for it to be playable.

So, can this lady please be playable? Can her moonkin form be a giant mutated man-bat creature? And also, can she have the dance in the cinematic for /dance?

Personally, I think it would even out the mixed opinions on playable Earthen being the only confirmed playable race addition to TWW. I mean I love the idea of horde dwarves, I think it’s a badly needed addition and a long time coming regardless of opinions on them being so mixed so far? But I also think it would kinda suck to just be stuck with Earthen for a whole expansion.


I dont care for them myself but i think odds are they will be made playable.
So fingers crossed for those who want them.



That was a very fun looking dance.

If these characters are going alliance, I hope they also get shaman like most trolls.


INB4 -

  • “They’re Nightelves so they should go to the Alliance!”
  • “They’re Trolls so they should go to the Horde!”

Look, we got Dwaves on both sides – It’s only natural that if we get this Harronir race, it’ll be on the same ordeal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


100% want them. They look great, and they do look like a druid race. I’m sure they’re angling to be an allied neutral race.

I also think that we’ll get customization options for arathi humans but not them as a full allied race, and we might get some form of the “humanish” Nerubians, but that could be me being overly hopeful for something other than “rock dwarfs” no one wanted.


Bwemba? She’s everywhere, even in a legion cinematic. :mag::robot:

Either it’s a druid form or mount. It is lacking druidic markings. :8ball::robot:


It is weird that with these guys and also the earthen they are giving them so much druid-like culture, but just not fully going there.


It’s not too crazy as shamanism is mocked by druids as lesser nature magic-- kinda bad situation were in now with the shamans managed so terribly by the devs. Might start seeing an increase in warriors when shamans start that journey. :axe::robot:


Harronir are not Trolls, anymore than Earthen are Dwarves. You might as well call Night Elves Trolls at this point. They are not the same. If anything, the Harronir look more like what Trolls and Elves both evolved from, like the Dwarves “evolved” (not really, considering curse of flesh) from Earthen while not still being Earthen.


At least the Machine Speakers will be Earthen-- very Titanforged. The other two clans are affected by an anomaly (vague spoiler) that altered the Earthen toward Dwarves which will become trouble for the community debate. :crystal_ball::robot:

I assume questioning the anomaly would turn you into a sheep. :robot::sweat_drops:


Awww at least they will be turned into a cute sheep! I will call her miss bossy mossy.


I’m going to guess the bat is the Harronir racial mount? They live in a subterranean world, are troll-esque. Bats seems like a good bet.


Im down but only if they get dhs i want a fel bat elf troll

I would play one. Hopefully they can be dk or druid.


Im not saying shes a druid or its a druid form.

But Orweyna turns in to the bat. She doesnt ride it.


Me be afeared dis be da direction dey goin’ mon.

Not good mojo headin’ dis wey. Bad voodoo on da horizon.

Sounds like a druid to me.


Oh yeah shes totally a druid. Her whole thing is about nature and preserving it.

But its not confirmed anywhere that ive seen that shes a druid.
And shes playing all mysterious in the quests ive done on beta.


Let them be DK and I’ll seriously have to consider race changing to one

Gimme the bugbear vibes


Cant wait to play the new spooky elf troll race as a DK.
Oh wait…