Playable druids?

Shivers. Really speaking my language.

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I know the way into an orc’s heart. The Zug’dorei will become proud members of elven civilization again someday.


I still can’t believe they made High Elves playable instead.

Yeah, who would’ve thought that, when Grommash Hellscream met the Night Elves so long ago, he would be revealed as the father of both Malfurion and Tyrande (but definitely not Illidan)?

Those darn Zug’dorei and their temporal magic mastery. To think Warden Tyrande was actually a Hellscream! I can’t imagine how she felt about being the daughter of someone 12000 years younger than her.

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I come back from my space odyssey on the Fel Hammer and I return to this? Did we go into that alternate timeline wormhole on the way back? Is chromie behind this? It was Gul’dan wasnt it? He returned again from Draenor nr42.

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I don’t feel so good…


Guldan? You mean the wise and kind leader of the horde? He never left so how could he return. His son is, Gul’stan, is just as compassionate.

It’s those evil alliance characters and their revolving door of high kings that are evil. Still can’t believe Jaina, the best high king (queen), was killed by a trash mob =\


It seems I got lost on the forums and fell into limbo. I think I’ll just go :point_right: that way.



Nailed it!

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It’s a shame that people can’t play druids…

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What even is this? It’s not even Sund—

Ah, carry on, ladies and gentlemen.

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Well, that is good news. I must’ve been having a nightmare that lasted 12 years, lol.

No, I wasn’t seeing dead people. I was seeing Blood Elves EVERYWHERE!

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You think that’s bad; I couldn’t believe when they launched that expansion about the continent south of the Maelstrom and they made that neutral race.

Ugh, playable Mogu? Are you serious? They’re just tauren with orc faces! Who would ever want to play that? And making them neutral, how am I supposed to tell if they’re hostile or friendly? They could be working for the other faction!

…Nameplates? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Druids are traditionally a support class. Adding in any support classes when we already have Bard is pointless. Just give Bards a Nature spec instead.

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Exactly. Bards are tone-deaf and mute, and use their fists and other extremities to fight. With the nature spec they could throw dirt at people and heal them. Because dirt is cleansing.

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omg you’re right! Bards sometimes play music for elementals and according to gd, that’s druidism

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I’m so glad that EverQuest 2 Classic is coming out soon. I can play a real Druid over there.

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