Play With The Blues - Friday, July 19

Na just ignored even in party lol.

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No that’ll likely come with Firelands and will likely just be a rehash of the Titan Rune system.

then whisper them and say the reason was for /afk

Add some spice to it lol.

should queue and kick the devs from the group for the lols


We are all really glad you took the time to write four sentences! People claim the Classic devs don’t communicate or care about Cata Classic, well those people are proven wrong here!

Playing with the blues! Wooooo!! I know it will be the first time some of them have played the game!


Here in Pensacola Florida “The Blues” has an entirely different meaning.

Its not phase 2 its rise of the trolls. The beta system wont come out until firelands and honestly isnt needed.

Cata is very alt raiding friendly and you can get all the valor gear on a alt in a couple days of chaining heroics.

Cata Classic isn’t super popular as it is. Having alternative content that’s attractive to a wider variety of players than are currently satisfied with raid logging is a positive.

Do you even read?!?

“Blizzard has announced stage 1 of Cataclysm Phase 2 testing on the PTR with a Play with the Blues event starting Friday, July 19th at 1:00 p.m. PDT (22:00 CEST). This test will include the Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub 5-man Heroic dungeons.”

They have said multiple times that the release of these two dungeons is P2.

When are we gonna get glaive xmogs

I hope somebody records these GMs getting vote kicked lol give them 30minute deserter see how they feel


“Let’s vote kick the devs and give them their own 30 minute debuff! That’ll show em’”

You are aware that Blizzard employees can just remove the debuff themselves and can probably make themselves immune to kickin right? I mean, wishful thinking, but I wouldn’t wanna get banned for abusing a feature on a GM.

Just reading most of the replies in this thread from almost everyone – I can 100% see why Blizzard and the devs don’t communicate w/the community.


Zones into dungeon.

You are squelched

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What new content is there in this patch other than those dungeons?

Blizzard has literally said it’s impossible to abuse vote kick. If 3 people decide to kick for any reason or no reason that is legitimate. So yeah, kick the devs for fun. It’s allowed. lol


If i played my hunter in the new ZA dungeons with a dev it would result in hunter nerfs.

They do in the sod forums :slight_smile:

what abuse? the feature can be used for any and all reasons in a democratic manner. And seeing how the kicked never learns why he got kicked its just “working as intended”

and that too is their own doing

It should be kind of expected as this attempt to reach the masses…is for very specific content.

That by chance…avoids problem areas of the game.

Cool the blues are coming to hang out with us. I’d like blue horde to hang out in a few wintergrasps. On offence. at this point you may as well fish in wintergrasp. You’d get more out of it.

You’d get the gimme loss honor. With fish caught as a bonus!

As most times alliance does quite well to have no keep towers die. Horde players don’t need tenacity boosts. the demo’s do lol.

They made that crap sandwhich…I am more than happy to share half of it with them.