Play with More Friends with Cross-Faction Guilds

Is that why it wasn’t working on the PTR? Oh no, wait. It was working fully on the PTR. A few months ago, in fact.

It’s not that they can’t do it, it’s that the vocal minority, “But mah faction identity,” people don’t want it to happen. We all know how Blizzard likes to kowtow to the minority of players, e.g. 1% raiders and PvPers.


Could you please just finish the job and remove the factions outside of warmode and battlegrounds already? Its clear that’s the direction this is headed so why not just drop the pretense and drop the racist “every orc must hate all humans, every human must hate every orc” crap.

I’m super ready to be able to afk in stormwind on all my vulpera instead of poo-hut hot topic orgrimmar.


They should drop it even in bg’s. They already got mercenary mode anyways.


Only inside instances.

But-but-but your Tauren druid hates your Night Elf druid…

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Hmmm… interesting choice.

Of the 2 races in the factions, you choose the 2 that are closest to each other dispite faction lines.

Agreed. I wish I knew all these open world restrictions before I faction changed my main characters back to alliance while staying on a very horde-dominated server to stay with my guild. I should have done more research before buying the faction change bundle.

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The intention was that druid vs druid hate wasn’t ever a thing.

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Honestly, won’t be making the switch until we can queue together (if that ever happens). It’s very exciting and I’d love to go back to Nelf, but my guild is Horde and only a handful of us were considering the switch. Being unable to queue together makes it really undesirable to us and those of us considering it have decided not to for this reason.

And don’t jump on me about the Horde-Alliance thing. I really don’t care. What I do know is Nelf is great for my class. Other people want it because they like how some of the races look. Nightborne and Void Elf for example.

It’s really unfortunate how they went about this. Hopefully, it will change in the future, but until then… It’s just not worth it. I’m not going to waste my money on something that is useless right now.


This is nonsense.

They’re hyping a feature that doesn’t do anything they’re leading people to believe.

What content, exactly, will we suddenly be able to do cross faction that we couldn’t before?

Opposite-faction guildmates can only play communally inside instances; they’ll still be considered Unfriendly to each other (or Hostile in War Mode) in the outdoor world.

Here’s your answer: none.


False advertising.


Now do it for BGs.

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Please let us join guilds even if we’re not in connected servers…

My alliance characters aren’t on the same server as my horde characters, and my horde guild is the one I belong to and want my alliance guilds in, too.



Guild members of the opposite faction will benefit from unlocked shared perks but cannot contribute to specific achievements.

Can we have some confirmation as to what this means for guild raid achievements and hall of fame please? If my guild mythic group is 50% horde 50% alliance will we still qualify for guild mythic achievements and hall of fame?

That’s the only reason I was looking forward to cross-faction guilds, so of course it won’t be possible. :disappointed:


okay, now get rid of the faction language barrier entirely.


It could be a bug, but from what I hear, yes horde officers in alliance guilds can recruit atm.

Probably for the achievement yes. Hall of fame is no longer faction specific but Top 200 World.

The sad part about this is, there’s an in-game solution already in place through the Elixir of Tongues, so removing the language barrier shouldn’t be an issue.

The thing holding them back, I think, are the die-hards that play. They have some childish need to hate the other faction no matter what. They don’t realize the health of the game is suffering because of the division.

Every “plot” reason for the faction conflict since vanilla has been shoehorned into the story just for the sake of having the conflict. WCIII was the end of the faction conflict. Everything since has been shoving a lubed-up Cadillac through a doggy-door.


I hope Blizz took into account all the players who are going to be faction swapping on Tuesday and that they don’t get booted from their current Guilds and need to be re-invited. Not a disaster but it would be very annoying.

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That’s not the point of this change. This will allow the use of Guild chat, Calendar and the Guild Bank which are big QoL changes.

I agree that it would have been great to allow us to queue for things like Timewalking together or group up in the open world but hopefully that’s next.